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Author's Note: In one of Tang Qi's one-shots, Donghua announced that there would be a 200-day wedding banquet because he had 200 wedding dresses made for Fengjiu during their 200-year separation. But Back in Chaos, we find out that Fengjiu had decided that it was better not to have this celebration since everyone in the Eight Realms already knew they were married. The following scene takes place while they were still in Bihai Cangling, right after Zhonglin had to rescind the invitation for the 200-day celebration.  A cute little scene, assisted by our favorite Third Prince.


Liansong took a sip of the tea and snapped his fan open in his signature dramatic way. "Donghua, since Zhonglin informed everyone that your 200-day wedding banquet was canceled, there are different public opinions on the status of your marriage."

"Oh?" Both Donghua and Gungun said in unison. Gungun was sitting in Donghua's lap, studying the go board to make the next move against Uncle Liansong. Uncle Liansong, accompanied by Aunt Chengyu, had arrived that morning to Bihai Cangling, grinning ear to ear. Gungun knew that must mean Uncle Liansong had some gossip to share. Mother had whispered to him that Uncle Liansong was the biggest gossip encyclopedia of the Sky Kingdom, second only to Siming, and she wanted to stay to listen but Aunt Chengyu wanted to catch up with her. Mother had told Gungun to listen and tell her everything later. Gungun had asked if that's considered gossip, but she had just told him no since they are not gossipmongers, before hugging him and Father Lord goodbye.

"Donghua, some say that it was not surprising you would cancel the wedding celebration since you also didn't attend the last wedding banquet.  They say everyone knows this isn't a true love match and that you were forced to marry Fengjiu due to...erm..." Liansong eyes darted to Gungun then back to Donghua and back to Gungun, who was listening intently to the conversation.

"Due to what?" Donghua asked, with a smirk.

Liansong squirmed, he looked pointedly at Gungun.

"Uncle Liansong, is there something wrong with your eyes? I can go fetch an elixir I made with Father Lord. It cures almost all aches."

Liansong patted Gungun's head. "I'm good, Gungun. Just a little twitch probably from traveling here."

Donghua placed his chin on his hand. "You didn't finish, what did they say was the reason why I was forced to marry Xiaobai?"

Liansong flicked his fan in agitation. "Erm, I have to ask Siming about that. You know how I loathe gossiping. I didn't hear clearly."

Luckily for the Third Prince, the little fairy boy quickly lost interest in the conversation and went back to studying the go board. He placed a white pebble on the board. "Uncle Liansong, it's your turn."

Liansong quickly placed a black pebble on the board and waved his fan, recovering from the awkward moment. "Others though say you are very pitiful."

"Oh?" Donghua asked. He's never been pitied before so this was surprising.

"They say that it's clear how deeply you love Fengjiu, but it was actually Fengjiu who decided to cancel the celebration. They say that although your love for her has never wavered these last 200 years, the infamously unforgivingly cold heart of a spurned nine-tailed fox cannot forget, and she rejected your attempt at reconciliation, unable to tolerate your presence for even a day, let alone 200 days!" Liansong's fan hit the table to punctuate the last few words. "You have become the face of unrequited love, Donghua. Very pitiful, indeed!" Liansong fanned his face vigorously but also to hide his smile.

Gungun, who had made another move on the go board during Liansong's dramatic storytelling and was paying attention again, slammed his tiny fist onto the table. It startled Liansong for a second.

"Uncle Liansong, you shouldn't believe such lies. It's really too much! Mother and Father Lord love each other. They can't even bear to be apart even a couple of hours when she has to study.  And Father Lord helps Mother with a lot of remedial lessons at night*. And she makes him fox-shaped honey candy all the time and he gives her gifts every day. You go back and tell them this!"

Donghua patted Gungun's head to soothe his son but then looked sharply at Liansong. "I also find it hard to believe I'm the face of unrequited love, when I'm married to Xiaobai whereas Chengyu doesn't even acknowledge you. Also, my son has defeated you."

Liansong's face fell, both from Donghua's barb and also realizing that he had just lost at go to Gungun, again. "Gungun, it's not fun playing with you, either. You win all the time like your father."

Gungun laughed and clapped his hands. "Let's do it again."

Liansong sighed but waved his hand to clear the board. At that moment Fengjiu came running into the room, with Zhonglin and Chengyu behind her, both with an apologetic grimace on their faces. Fengjiu came to sit next to Donghua, naturally taking one of his hands into hers.

"Dijun, I know I said we will go to Qingqiu first but we have to leave for Tai Chen Palace immediately. Chengyu just told me everyone thinks I don't like you." Fengjiu whispered the last part in aghast.

Donghua smiled at her. "Xiaobai, of course, we will go wherever you want to, but why do we care about what others think?"

"If people think that, you're going to be pitied by a lot of women across the Eight Realms and they're going to try to comfort you. Zhonglin just told me you've gotten at least 143 proposals to join your harem. And I won't have it! We're going to the Nine Heavens, and I'm going to show them you are like a pampered beautiful little wife!"

Liansong, who had been drinking his tea, coughed at the hilarious thought of Donghua being known as a pampered beautiful little wife.

"Whatever you wish," Donghua said agreeably to his actual pampered beautiful little wife. He could've told her he had directed Zhonglin to respond in the rejection letters that he loves his Dihou only and will have no one in his harem.  Such news would've spread already across the Eight Realms, but he wasn't going to give up the opportunity of being publicly branded by his usually restrained wife. He was originally going to punish Liansong with some poorly cooked sweet and sour fish for upsetting his wife, but this was a pleasant surprise.

"You are going to be very pampered." Fengjiu grumbled. Donghua leaned down to kiss her forehead and she finally smiled shyly.

Liansong shook his head in sadness. Really, the family of three was insufferably close and affectionate. One look at them in the Nine Heavens and everyone will see through the gossip he had painstakingly started. How pitiful, indeed.

*In Back to Chaos, we find out whenever Donghua and Fengjiu are having intimate relations, Zhonglin would tell Gungun that Donghua was helping her by giving remedial lessons to help her catchup with schoolwork and so he can't interrupt. So funny!

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