Chapter 1: Problems

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, O screamed out from downstairs. "HEY! WHY AREN'T THERE ANY PANCAKES?" N replied with a tired yet angry voice "M ate all the pancakes again.". "UGH, AGAIN!? We can't have good stuff in this household, for real." O said, as he pulled out some toast. "OH MY FUCKING GOD, THERE ISNT EVEN ANY BUTTER LEFT, JESUS CHRIST-" O yelled angrily from the kitchen.

N stormed out of P's room and stopped in the hallway to think for a second. "Okay, okay, maybe P is right. This is just one time, he won't do this again..." N mumbled to himself. He tried to convince himself that maybe there was a little sliver of hope for his older brother. As he did, L opened his bedroom door - which was right next to N - to make himself some breakfast. "Hey, why are you so mad? Cat ate your tongue?" L sarcastically asked N. He responded with "M ate my breakfast." L's eyes widened in a shocked expression, and he walked away, looking at N, without saying a single word.

After that awkward incident that happened, N decided to brush it all off as just a little stupid thing, and decided to play some video games in his room. Specifically, Animal Crossing, as it was his favorite game. He locked his door shut, and started playing it.

A few hours into the game, X knocked N's bedroom door. "N? Are you alright?" X asked him from outside, as he couldn't open the door himself. "I'm doing fine, don't worry..." N responded, still a little bit down with what happened in the morning. X said "Anyways, I'm gonna make some spaghetti for dinner. Are you OK with that?" "Ye, I like spaghetti!" N said, now a little bit more cheerful. X smiled at N - or at least tried to - and walked downstairs to the kitchen to make some nice dinner for everybody.

X prepared all the utensils, with some nice sauces that he bought for everyone to enjoy. He also began to boil the noodles he set on the counter, and as he was waiting for them to boil, he wanted to get some meat to add to the noodles. X didn't have to worry about boiling the noodles too much, as he always used a nice and quick way to prepare meat. He opened the freezer, but there was no meat left. Not even a single slice... Who could have done that? The freezer was full of meat yesterday!

X's eyes widened in surprise and fear, and all he could ever say about that was a - barely audible - "Oh no." N walked in on X staring at the freezer, and he asked, "W-what happened X?" X shaked his head and said"There is no more meat." N had a shocked and angry expression on his face, he knew who was the culprit. And then he screamed "EVERYBODY, LINE. UP!!!"

X made all the team members line up in the living room, to make them know who was the mysterious culprit who had just made all the meat in the freezer disappear. "Alright. Sorry if you might hear me angry, but hear. Me. Out. WHO ATE ALL THE MEAT!?" N screamed out. X tried to calm N down by patting his head. "N, please, it's just meat. We shouldn't worry about something so trivial..." He mumbled to N, and he tried to help him calm down.

The first one to say anything was L, who was the first one lined up. "It definitely wasn't me. You all know that I am PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE to eat that much meat in one sitting." L said with an expression of resignation, while muttering countless complaints right under everyone's noses. "Very well, L." N said, still a bit tense after the fact that all the meat is now gone.

The second one to speak was P, being the last one aligned. "Nuh-uh. It wasn't me! All I can say is I wouldn't eat meat without my glitter sauce, and I didn't have any of it in my hands!" P said cheerfully. "Glitter sauce...?" N asked, concerned, because he didn't know about this whole "glitter sauce" P was talking about.. Then he was cut off by her again, she said "Though O has been looking at M reeeeeally weird..."

N turned his head to O, and he was looking at M with a weird, grossed out face. He was shuddering because of how gross the whole situation was, as M had his entire mouth area littered with raw meat, and some blood - he looked like a predatory animal after they've had a big meal. "Hey now I'm not pointing any fingers, but..." he said as he subtly nodded towards M. N wasn't surprised one bit.

"M, DID YOU DO THIS?" N asked "calmly" in a demanding tone. M just got angrier at his brother's demands, and just slapped him. Everyone was shocked, and there was an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds, not even sure how to react to this. N stood there in disbelief as a little tear ran through his cheek. Then everything went to shit.

N started getting really angry, his hand clenching into a fist. It wasn't natural at all for a shy coward such as N to get so incredibly furious that he yells at his older brother - who's much more powerful and big than him. "YOU... YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. YOU'RE MAKING THIS ENTIRE FUCKING HOUSEHOLD GO TO SHIT BECAUSE YOUR GREEDY FUCKING ASS CAN'T- I MEAN, DOESN'T WANT TO STOP EATING LIKE A FUCKING PIG." N just snapped at him, letting out his long contained anger he had for him for the rest of the day. Of course, N snapping at M wasn't helping at all - in fact, getting M even madder than he was before. "ALRIGHT, IF YOU WANT ME TO STOP SOOOOO MUCH THEN, THEN WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING DO IT YOURSELF YOU TINY FUCKING WIMP." M screamed his lungs out at his little brother.

Everybody around N and M were really shocked, and wanted to stop them - but they all knew that if they tried, they would have to fight with them too. They both kept fighting, yelling their souls out at each other - until M decided enough was enough, and flipped the entire. Living room. Table. "ALRIGHT, IF YOU WANT TROUBLE, THERE. HAVE YOUR FUCKING TROUBLE." M screamed one last time, before he ran up the stairs and into his room; to lock himself there yet again.

N chased him down, slowly gaining up to him, but barely enough to reach him in time. M slammed the door locked again, leaving N alone yet again. "DON'T DO THIS AGAIN!! YOU HEAR ME!?" N screamed with anger, as he banged M's bedroom door. He banged the door and yelled for a while, before he stopped, and kneeled down to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. "Why... Why did I do this..? How did this happen?..." N mumbled between sobs and breaths. It was clear he felt really bad - and also really guilty - about the situation.

Everyone started to surround N, and P got close to him, hugging him and patting his back. "It's ok, Enny... We all go through something like that." Said P, leaving behind her chipper and high pitched voice and going for a much more calm tone. X got closer, and said reassuringly "I promise that we'll do something about it now. You like it?" N looked up at him, his eyes bathed in tears, he then looked at P, and then M's room. and finally, he hugged them both.

X and P looked at N as he hugged them, a little shocked - but in a pleasant way. They both smiled at him, and X said to him "Alright, now let's get to the dining room, and we'll talk there. But first, let's get the rest of the team." L, N, O, P and X walked together, and sat on the dining table, as if they were about to discuss something important - because they were.

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