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The next morning it's difficult for Jungkook to open his eyes. The eyelids feel heavy and fall shut again. After blinking one more time, he realizes that the TV in front of him isn't his own, but Taehyung's. At home, it's not uncommon for him to fall asleep in front of the TV. On top of that, yesterday felt like a dream.

So, it's no wonder that it took Jungkook a while to arrive at Taehyung's apartment in Paris. A slight smirk forms his lips as he recalls his dream from last night. At the same moment, the protagonist of the dream slowly approaches him.

"Good morning, you sleepyhead."

It almost sounds like Taehyung is making fun of Jungkook, which only confuses him more. He just woke up and still feels dozy. No doubt, his legs would lurch back and forth as soon as he would get up from the comfy couch. On top of that, the sofa has taken on Taehyung's scent.

One more reason why Jungkook slept like a rock, despite the circumstances and racing heartbeat. If it was up to him, the dream of a romantic Parisian night could have happily continued. Heck! Why did he have to wake up when he was so close to Taehyung's beautiful plump lips, like the last time 20 years ago?

Taehyung leaning down to him, so close that the tips of their noses touch, doesn't make it easier to forget the dream.

"Good morning," Jungkook says sleepily as he supports himself on his hands, slowly sitting up.

Yawning, he stretches his arms above his head and searches in vain for a clock.

"What time is it?"



Jungkook jumps up, almost tearing his cozy blanket to the ground. The adrenaline shoots through his body, which is why his legs actually remain steady. Suddenly, the tiredness is blown away, and he searches for his cell phone in a panic.

He finds it on the floor, showing four missed calls from Soobin on the screen. Taehyung watches him, chuckling.

"I guess you liked my couch, huh?"

"Shit, shit, shit. Not that Soobin thinks I have better things to do."

"Then what?"

"Then enjoying our vacation together."

"Ah, don't worry about it. You just slept the whole time, and you don't even have to think of an excuse."

Taehyung's words don't really get through to Jungkook. He's far too busy trying to type a message that isn't dominated by spelling mistakes. Not that Soobin's going to get the idea that his dad was drinking and having a lot of fun with Taehyung last night. For heaven's sake, just keep your focus now and don't dwell on that tempting train of thought.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"You don't need to ask. Make yourself at home "

In record time, Jungkook manages to shower and brush his teeth. He takes the liberty of putting his red toothbrush right next to Taehyung's blue toothbrush in the same cup. He won't mind, will he? In the same way, he didn't ask Taehyung if he could use his shower gel and shampoo. Why go through all the trouble of digging around in the cosmetic bag when he could smell like Taehyung instead? Now he wears a delicate strawberry note on his skin and he loves it!

When he comes out of the bathroom, Taehyung is setting the dining room table.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asks, confused.

"Don't you want any breakfast?"

Their eyes meet, and once again, he can't get away from them, even forgetting to blink.

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