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[Yeonjun's aunt's house]

Soobin and Yeonjun are sitting in front of his aunt's computer screen. Beaming with joy, they tell their three best friends about the latest events via video chat.

"I'm telling you, he's the best!"

Soobin points at Yeonjun, highly praising his acting. Flattered, Yeonjun holds both hands in front of his face, while Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueningkai are cheering on the other end of the line.

"I'm impressed you actually made it!"

Beomgyu can't stop grinning.

"Yeah, really. And you're acting like it was the easiest thing in the world!" Hueningkai interjects.

"It wasn't, believe me. My aunt is still mad about the bike. The chain is fixed now, but the scratches will probably stay."

"Thanks for taking it all on yourself, really."

Soobin pulls Yeonjun closer by his sleeve giving him a tight hug. Not everyone would have done that for him, that's for sure.

"But that was just the beginning. Now your dad has to do the rest."

Taehyun says hesitantly.

"I'll meet him later. I'm curious what he's going to tell me...he'll scold me for sure."

"If he really does, it was still worth it."

"Yes, he'll thank me in the end."

[Taehyung's apartment]

Jungkook quietly takes a look at Taehyung's modern apartment. He's relieved seeing only one toothbrush in the bathroom; no indication that he might be with someone. When he's done inspecting the bright and neat rooms, he takes a closer look at the photos on the walls.

Nothing suspicious, just pictures of Taehyung's family, some friends, and... BTS. It's the last photo taken of BTS, the baseball game, the Tigers' victory. Could it mean that Taehyung probably had a picture of Jungkook hanging on his wall through all these years? This thought brings tears to his eyes.

"So, you haven't forgotten about BTS."

"How could I? Besides that, I didn't want to forget."

"I just don't get it; why didn't you come back? Why did you keep in touch with everyone but me? Why did you prohibit them from telling me anything about you? And why is it now, out of sudden, okay for you to just let me into your apartment? Letting me sleep on your couch? Pretending like nothing ever happened?"

"What do you think of visiting Paris together this night? Then we can talk about everything in peace. You're about to meet Soobin; what's the point of discussing everything out now?"

"Yeah... probably you're right."

Jungkook picks up his cell phone, hoping that Soobin has left a message. Indeed, he had already written three minutes ago.

"Soobin is already on the way."

"Then he should arrive any moment. Have a great time."

Taehyung's smile still makes his heart race. As much as he loves Soobin, and as much as he was looking forward to this vacation, the truth is that he would rather blame Taehyung for everything he has done. He's eager to hear his explanations, his apologies if there will be any at all. Just because Jungkook tries to talk to him normally, it doesn't mean he has forgiven him. Oh no, it's not that simple. The scar that Taehyung left in Jungkook's heart is much too big for that.

Nevertheless, none of this changes the fact that he longs for his closeness even at this very moment. They're in one and the same room, and yet so far away. The way they're looking at each other wordlessly, he could look at him for hours. Those deep brown beautiful eyes; their slight sparkle; Jungkook's shadow reflecting in Tae's black pupil. He loses himself every time looking at him, and even now, it's hard for him to get away from those eyes, and the magic surrounding them. Taking a deep breath, he tries to think clearly without having any sense of time, how long he already stared at him.

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