10 Years Ago, July 2013

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10 Years Ago, July 2013

"Why the fuck did we agree to come to Disneyland during the summer? California? Did it not dawn on us that it would be hot as fuck?" Quinn said as they found a place to sit in the shade to eat their churros.

"Look, this was all Brittany's idea but she had the nerve to get into BLC and not be able to come."

The Unholy Trinity had been planning this trip for about a half a year. School had kept Quinn and Santana busy while Brittany was off doing her thing with the Army. At the last minute, Brittany was offered a slot to go to BLC. Quinn and Santana talked her into going because this was her shot. She had been practicing for the Soldier of the Quarter board and won, which put her name out there and landed her the opening in the next BLC class.

"Imagine though, Brittany standing in front of higher leadership like that? And she wasn't even nervous? She really has made bounds and leaps past us, even if she doesn't see it that way." Quinn said.

Santana knew that was true. From how shy and timid Brittany was in high school, to the outgoing and unafraid Soldier she was now. It was truly something to see. Even with the way that Brittany could hold conversations over FaceTime with her. Nothing could've prepared her for the person she'd become, and she felt like she was falling in love more and more.

"I know right? Have you been following that page she sent us?"

"That weird Army one? Yeah, I have. Her pictures are super nice." Quinn said as she got up to throw away her trash. "I saw you had one of them as your wallpaper."

Santana habitually checked the website for new products from Brittany whether it be pictures of videos. There was one that stood out to her though. It was a picture taken by another Soldier, of Brittany taking a picture of the artillery. It wasn't much, but it meant something to Santana. Seeing Brittany in her element, plus the artillery round was in the air? The shot couldn't have been any more perfect.

"I do, you're right." Santana said as she smiled. She unlocked her phone to see the picture. "I feel kind of guilty for still coming on the trip though. The only reason we even chose Disneyland was because Britt hasn't been here before."

"Yeah but neither have we San. And we didn't save up all this money for nothing you know? We've had hard years at school too. All of us deserved this trip."

Quinn had been struggling a bit at Yale. It wasn't the school work that was hard or anything, it was the fact that she spent most of the time by herself unless there was some kind of big event. She liked being in a school that held academics on such a high pedestal but there wasn't a balance for her. Most nights, she'd spend in her room studying or trying to call Puck who was on a tour with his band. Their relationship was rocky to say the least, but still working as best as it could.

Santana on the other hand, was having a fantastic year at Louisville. The year after she redshirted, she won a starting position. It wasn't at catcher, it was at center field which surprised Brittany and Quinn. When Santana had gone back to Louisville after winter break back in 2011, she did tons of workouts to increase her speed. And it worked, tenfold. She was now the fastest runner on her team, so it was an easy pick putting her at center field.

Every time she stepped onto the field and took her spot in the grass behind second base, Santana always thought about Brittany. She didn't know what it was that made her want to work on her speed the way she did. Maybe it was to be closer to Brittany in a way.

"I know we deserve this trip, Q. Especially with the year we both had. I'm just glad that they didn't make the summer camps mandatory." Santana said as she finished off her churro. "I'm glad to be here with you."

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