12 Years Ago, January 2011

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12 Years Ago, January 2011

The summer went by much too quickly. And before they knew it, Santana was off to Louisville. The girls couldn't meet up all together, so Quinn and Brittany got their goodbyes separately.

Brittany woke up the morning she was set to leave with a pit in her stomach. She rolled over in her bed, to see her best friend sleeping soundly. They had tried to pull an all-nighter, but it didn't work out and they ended up falling asleep around 4 am.

Brittany rolled back onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. So many thoughts were going through her mind. Today was the day that her best friend was leaving for college. And yeah, sure. Leaving for college isn't comparable to something like leaving for a deployment with the Army or completely moving countries. It was nothing like that. But the most time the girls spent away from each other was when Brittany went to Australia during the summer of sophomore year for two weeks. And since then, it's been them together all the time.

Santana began to wake up now, going into a stretch before turning over. Brittany quickly closed her eyes. She didn't know why she did that, but it was something that she had always done since she was younger.

She felt Santana turn towards her, all of a sudden- there was no movement. Brittany could feel Santana's eyes on her, she knew she was looking at her. A soft sniffle was heard before the bed shifted and she was gone. Brittany slowly opens her eyes once she hears the bathroom door close.

Brittany got off the bed and headed into the kitchen. She stopped at the sink, looking down. She went to take a deep breath, but it just felt like the feeling in her stomach was getting worse.

"Britt?" Brittany jumped a little, startled by her friend's voice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Santana walked over, taking a seat at the counter.

Brittany turned to see her eyes a little red. She didn't question it; it wasn't something that they were ever going to speak about.

"Today's the day, huh?" Brittany didn't know what else to say. "How are you feeling?"

"I honestly don't know how I'm feeling." Santana answered. "I have this weird; I don't know. I don't know how to describe it."

"Same." Brittany replied. She didn't know how to describe the feeling in her stomach other than it was like she was hungry, but she didn't want to eat. "Playground?"

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea."

The girls walked over the playground, and each took a seat on one of the swings. They swung in silence for the most part. Santana only had about an hour until she had to meet up with her dad and they'd make the drive to Louisville together.


"You don't have to say anything, Britt. I- " She stopped. "I know."

They got off the swings and walked around to the other side of the playground where there was a jungle gym.

They looked at each other before taking off, climbing up to the top. Ever since they were younger, they'd fight to sit at the very top and in the beginning- Santana would win every time. But as they got older, Brittany became faster, and it started to become challenging for Santana.

But today, Brittany let her best friend win. Because why wouldn't she want her to leave on a high note right? She'd have the seat the top, once Santana left for school.

As they sat at the top of the jungle gym, a silence fell over them once more. The cool breeze that encircled them was nice, with the combination of the sun warming them up. A textbook perfect morning in their definition of the phrase.

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