13 Years Ago, May 2010

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Graduation day was here, and the girls had a bittersweet feeling sitting inside the pits of their stomachs. Yeah, they still had the entire summer to go. They still had time together, however things were about to change.

No more were the days of getting on the bus and sitting next to each other. Or meeting up at their regular bench to talk after class. No more frantic pleas from the girls to Quinn as they attempted to finish homework the morning it was due.

Life moves unforgivingly. It travels fast and within a blink of an eye- it changes.

There stood Santana, Brittany, and Quinn – looking at each other in their caps and gowns. Quinn dawned the valedictorian stole, unsurprisingly. She was always way ahead of the game and knew all the answers before the question was asked. In Santana fashion, she began to tear up.

"Fuck man, my make up." She said as she looked up towards the ceiling. "It took me forever to do this shit this morning."

Brittany reached into her pocket and pulled out a tissue. "I came prepared, softie."

Santana chuckled before taking the tissue from her best friend. "I'm not the only one who's a baby this morning." They both turned to see Quinn's back faced towards them – her hands up to her eyes to stop the tears from falling.

"I'm sorry okay. This is just a big moment for us you know?" Quinn said, turning around. Brittany took another tissue from her pocket and handed it to her. "Thanks, Britt."

The trio had spent countless hours talking about this moment. The last four years had been building to this one day. And within two hours, it would all be over. Graduation is a big step, but the girls were ready.

Once the commencement ceremony began, that's when it started to hit Brittany as well. Quinn was sitting in the bottom row while Santana was two rows behind her. Brittany was a few rows behind Santana. She was always a little behind her two best friends, they just understood things a little faster than she could.

Quinn's valedictorian speech was flawless, thanking everyone for their support over the years and of course- giving a shout out to the two people who meant the most to her throughout the four years of high school.

Once it was over, everyone walked outside and began to congratulate each other. The girls took many pictures with family and friends before heading to BreadStix to have dinner. Quinn rode with her parents while Santana and Brittany rode together since their parents had to go to work.

"Hey San?"

"Yeah, what's up B?" She answered. Santana was at a stoplight now, and turned towards her friend who was looking out the passenger window. "You okay? You've been really quiet this whole ride."

"I- don't know, how I'm going to do this without you guys. Especially you, San."

Santana's heart hurt in that moment, knowing that the pair had spent nearly every day together since middle school. Brittany relied heavily on Santana. Which isn't a bad thing, but in all realities? Santana relied on Brittany too. Because what would best friends be if not to have each other through everything? And it would be a lie to say that Santana hasn't thought the same thing.

Brittany had been her rock for the last seven years. Through thick and thin. Through all the highs and lows. She was there when her abuelo passed away, and that was something she could've never got through without her.

You could never find one without the other. Two peas in a pod, you could say. Even when their parents would be looking for them, the first place would be at each other's houses.

Santana pulled into the parking lot and parked a little further from the restaurant. Without turning the car off, she put the car in park and turned to her friend.

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