Chapter 1: Secrets and Reunions(RE Create)

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17 years Later( Present day )

As the early morning light bathed the Autobot base in a soft glow, Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, sat at his desk amidst the quiet hum of the base's systems. His dark blue hair, tinged with hints of red at the tips, framed his face as he reviewed the daily reports. Outside, the serene melody of birdsong filled the air, a stark contrast to the impending chaos within.

Optimus sighed, grateful for the fleeting moments of tranquility before the inevitable turmoil. However, his respite was short-lived as the sound of raised voices shattered the peaceful atmosphere. Recognizing the familiar tones of Ratchet and Bulkhead, Optimus knew trouble was brewing once again.

Standing from his desk, Optimus strode purposefully through the corridors of the base, his expression a mask of calm determination. As he approached the source of the commotion, he found Ratchet, the grizzled medic with his white and red-striped hair, admonishing Bulkhead, whose black hair with green stripes hung sheepishly as he attempted to defend himself.

"How many times have I told you to stay out of my supplies, Bulkhead?" Ratchet's voice was tinged with frustration as he gestured towards the scattered equipment littering the floor.

"Sorry, Ratchet, I didn't mean to break anything! I was just curious," Bulkhead's voice was apologetic, but it did little to appease the medic's ire.

Optimus stepped forward, his authoritative presence commanding attention. "Easy, old friend," he interjected, hoping to diffuse the escalating tension.

Ratchet turned his glare towards Optimus, his frustration evident. "Optimus, he's broken into my office four times now. I can't keep replacing what he destroys," he grumbled.

Optimus offered a sympathetic smile, his piercing blue eyes reflecting understanding. "I know, Ratchet, but you know Bulkhead's curiosity often gets the better of him."

With a reluctant sigh, Ratchet relented, though the frustration still lingered in his gaze. "Fine, but he needs to be more careful."

As the tension dissipated, Arcee, the fierce warrior with her blue hair streaked with pink, entered the scene, her expression one of concern. "Optimus, have you seen Bumblebee? I haven't been able to find him for hours," she inquired, her voice tinged with worry.

Optimus's brow furrowed, a sense of unease settling in the pit of his spark. "No, Arcee, I haven't. But I'm sure he'll turn up soon," he reassured her, though his words rang hollow in the face of his growing apprehension.

Meanwhile, in a secluded chamber far from the prying eyes of the base, Alpha Trion awaited the arrival of a familiar face. His hair, a striking mix of red and purple with streaks of gray, framed his weathered face as he glanced at the chronometer, marking the passing minutes with growing anticipation.

When Goldbug finally entered the room, his hair a vibrant blend of yellow and black, Alpha Trion greeted him with a warm smile. The two locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them as they settled into conversation.

"Alpha Trion," Goldbug's voice was filled with respect as he took a seat across from the elder Autobot.

"Goldbug," Alpha Trion responded in kind, his tone gentle yet firm. "It's been too long since our last meeting. How have you been?"

Goldbug hesitated, the weight of his secrets heavy on his shoulders. "I've been managing, Alpha Trion. But there are... complications," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Alpha Trion's expression softened, a sense of empathy in his gaze. "I understand, Goldbug. The path you walk is fraught with challenges, but know that you do not walk it alone," he reassured him, his words carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom.

As their conversation continued, Alpha Trion couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that hung in the air. Goldbug's secrets, whatever they may be, carried weight, and Alpha Trion vowed to stand by him no matter the cost.

Their meeting drew to a close, but the sense of unease lingered. As Goldbug rose to leave, Alpha Trion offered a small smile, a silent promise of solidarity in the face of uncertainty.


Hi If you find any Mistakes don't be shy to point it out. My keyboard had been messing with me.

Have a nice Day/Afternoon/Night/Evening.

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