Ch. 1 The Preface

Start from the beginning

My Father told my Mother that he had to flee his home because of the Fire Nation. They slaughtered all his people because someone foretold the Fire Lord that the next Avatar was an Air bender," Kanna looked at Kairi.

" What happened to the Avatar? Did-Did the Fire Nation kill them?" Kairi asked.

" My Father said that the Avatar escaped the same day he escaped. He searched all over for him. However, the Avatar was nowhere to be found. My Father lost hope and believed he had perished of old age," Kanna frowned.

" So, I am the only Air bender left," Kairi whispered.

" Yes. That is why you must keep this element to yourself until it is safe to become one with the Air again," Kanna responded.

Kairi nodded, and her blue-grey eyes blinked when she saw black soot falling from the sky.

" What is that?" Kairi asked.

Kanna looked at her surroundings, and her blue eyes widened. Her face got paler than usual.

" The Fire Nation! Go. Get your Father. And warn him of the dangers that are arriving," Kanna ushered Kairi to get her son, Hakoda, the current Chief of the Southern Water Tribe.

Kairi begins to panic. She turns around and runs towards the others, warning everyone of the danger.

" Fire Nation! We are under attack!" Kairi cried out.

Hakoda and Kya looked at each other worriedly when they heard Kairi's cries.

" Protect the children," Hakoda firmly speaks while grabbing his weapons, ready to protect his family and the Village.

" Be careful," Kya whispered, watching Hakoda leave their tent.

" Papa! Fire Nation," Kairi hugs Hakoda.

" Thank you for the warning, Kairi. Very much appreciate," Hakoda hugs Kairi. " Men! Let's fight to protect our family and Village," He turns his gaze to the various warriors of the tribe.

The Southern Water Tribe warriors cheered and chanted. Hakoda lets go of Kairi and looks at her.

" Go with your brother and sister to the tent. Your Mother is inside," Hakoda ushered Kairi to the tent.

" Be careful!" Kairi shouts. She turns and runs towards Sokka and Katara, who look scared.

" Sokka! Katara! Let's go! Papa said we need to be in the tent with Mama," Kairi ushered Sokka and Katara to the tent.

" What about Dad?" Sokka watched the Warriors run past them, seeing the determination on their faces. He couldn't help but admire the men of his tribe.

" Papa will be fine. He wants us to be in the tent with Mama. Sokka, since Papa is gone. You are our Protector. But, don't worry, I will have your back," Kairi smiled.

Sokka smiled and nodded. He turns and runs with Kairi and Katara to the tent where Kya awaits them.

" Mama! Mama! We're here," Kairi, Sokka, and Katara entered the tent.

Kya looked relieved to see her three children.

" Come closer," Kya motioned the three children to her.

Kairi, Sokka, and Katara walked toward Kya, and she hugged them tightly.

" Kairi. Katara. Whatever you do, do not bend Water for the time being," Kya firmly speaks.

" What? Why?" Kairi leans back and looks at Kya while Katara looks at her Mother and older sister with a confused expression.

Kya looked at Kairi and Katara with mixed emotions. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she saw a shadowy figure outside their tent.

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