Chapter 63: To End With Us

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I watched through the window as the vibrant cityscapes slowly dimmed, pulling us deeper and deeper into the calmness of the woods. Never in my life did I think I'd see so many trees from this bus, but it was already so peaceful.

I couldn't wait until we were finally there.

"Excited?" Josh asked, plopping down onto the couch next to me. I nodded, propping my head up onto my hand, smiling back at him. It had started to rain, the pattering of the drops on the glass seeming so much louder than I remember, everything sounding so much louder in the eeriness of the forest. One by one they trickled their way down, eventually flying off into the wind.

How freeing.

"How much longer?" I asked. Josh peeked down at his watch, his smile growing.
"We should be there any minute, actually, if you want to go get changed."
"Get changed?" I asked, looking down at my outfit. What was wrong with what I had on? He noticed my concern, now giggling to himself.

"Don't worry, Juliette, you're fine, it's just.. when it rains out here, it really rains so.. you may want a coat. And.. maybe some boots you don't mind getting a little dirty." I nodded, feeling my cheeks burn. The only coat and boots I had were.. way too flashy for where I was going. And the last thing I wanted to do was appear out of place.

I would do that enough on my own.
For once, I just wanted to fit in.

"Don't worry, I got you some." I heard from behind me, now feeling Jake sitting down on the couch, wrapping his arm around me. I couldn't help but smile, feeling my heart jump as he pulled me up against his chest.

"You did?" I asked, peeking up at him. He nodded, kissing the top of my head.
"I got you a bunch of stuff when you told me you were coming. I knew there was no way I could let you walk through the mud with your diamond sneakers, and god knows whatever else you have." He laughed.

"Here, I'll show you." He said, taking my hand and leading me towards the back room. When he opened the door, I could see everything laid out on the bed. It was adorable. I couldn't remember the last time someone got me a gift. Usually when you were in my position, people just assumed you already had everything, or.. you'd be the one paying for everyone else.

And as much as I loved being able to take care of everyone, it was just nice when somebody thought of me for once. No matter what it was.

"I know they're not the nicest, but I figured-"
"I love it, thank you." I said, sitting down and looking through the pile of clothes. "I didn't know they really made these." I giggled, grabbing the bright yellow rain boots. He nodded, smirking back at me.
"Yeah, I figured I'd get you something nice and bright so I'll never lose you out there." I kicked off my shoes, sliding on the boots. The perfect fit.

"You even know my size!" I sang, holding up my feet to show him. He nodded, sitting down next to me.
"Of course I do." He said, now staring back, his eyes in a daze. "I wanna know.. everything about you, Julia." My heart jumped.
"I'd.. love for you to know everything about me." I said softly, leaning in closer. His eyes moved down to my lips, leaning in further as he reached up, caressing my face and pulling me into a tender kiss. I kissed him back, slowly climbing into his lap, my hands making their way into his hair, tightly tangling my fingers within.

"Julia.." He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine.
"Yeah?" I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, now almost positive he could feel it.
"I.. I just.. I'm so.."
"What?" I asked, leaning in closer, just needing him to tell me, if it even was what I thought it was. I could feel his grip on me get tighter.
"I just.. I know how we've been lately, and I just.. I mean, it feels like we are.. I don't know if you're there yet, but-"
"I am." I assured him. He stopped, his eyes instantly lighting up.
"Y-you are?" He asked. I nodded, feeling my cheeks burn.
"Are.. you?" He nodded, biting down on his lip.

Then I felt the bus stop, and a new wave of nerves completely took over. I needed nothing more than for him to reassure me right now.

"We'll talk about it later, okay?" He whispered, pulling me in, kissing my forehead. I nodded, forcing a smile as he took my hands, and guided me out through the bus. The rest of the guys had already made their way off, not wanting to waste a second of their time home. I didn't blame them, but that didn't make me any less nervous.

I just wanted them to like me.

"You okay?" Jake asked, peeking down at me, giving my hand three squeezes. I sighed, feeling slightly better.
"They're gonna love you." He said, as if reading my mind. I felt my cheeks burn.
"How do you know?" I asked, only half joking. He shrugged, biting down on his lip.
"Because.. it's so easy to love you." He muttered. My heart jumped.

I'll take it.

And then as he opened the bus door, I was hit with an overwhelming sense of.. nothingness, something I hadn't felt in so long. The air was quiet, nothing but the faint rushing sound of the pouring rain, spilling from the deep greens of the trees, their hearty branches dancing in the strong winds, bathing us in that much more of nature's cleansing ritual. It was straight out of a movie, like we had stepped out of the real world and into this wooded fantasy. It was everything I had ever wanted and more.

I finally felt at peace.
I felt.. normal.

My heart started beating faster as he quickly lead me across their lawn and up to their front door where I could already hear the boisterous muffled voices inside, sounding like way more people than I was anticipating.

"How big is your family?" I asked, moving in closer. He shrugged, smirking back at me.
"I guess you're gonna find out." He joked, playfully nudging me. I stayed quiet, holding my stare on him. He could sense my uneasiness.

"You perform for stadiums every night, but this makes you nervous?" He asked. I shrugged, avoiding his eyes.
"When those people come to the show, I already know they like me." I muttered. He was quiet for a moment, before I felt him kiss my cheek. My eyes instantly lit up, looking back at him to see him now flashing me a toothy grin. And in that moment I realized, if he loved me, that would always be enough.

"I'll be with you the whole time, I promise. And.. if it helps, they're probably going to be nervous around you, you know, considering.." He joked. "But.. they're sweet, you have nothing to worry about. And.. if anyone gets out of line, I'll handle it." He said, giving me a wink. I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder, already feeling slightly better.

And then he knocked on the door, and it was like an internal clock had gone off, counting down the seconds until it swung open and I was thrown into his world. I couldn't remember the last time I was this nervous. Maybe because it did mean so much, and it did matter to me that they liked me because.. I did want to be with him.

When this was all said and done..
I wanted it to end with us.

Then I started to hear footsteps approaching the door, my heart beat matching in its growing thuds. Pound. Pound. Pound. I tried my best to put on as much of a smile as I could manage when the door finally opened and I was met with a beaming woman, her eyes shooting from Jake to me, before reaching out and pulling me into a tight hug.

I let out a deep sigh, hugging her tighter, feeling like a weight had been lifted.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

The Weight of Dreams || Greta Van FleetKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat