Chapter 46: Juliette Red

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Jake's P.O.V

I happily made my way down the hallway, it taking everything in me to weigh down my feet in order to prevent the giddy skipping I could feel starting to take hold. Never in a million years did I ever see this happening, someone like her actually liking someone like me.

I felt like I was floating on air.

I tried my best to tone it down as much as I could as made my way out to the bus, hopping up the steps two at a time, but there was no hiding the beaming grin that was permanently plastered across my face.

"Well, someone looks happy." Josh laughed, lying on the couch, his feet propped up on the arm rest. I smirked over at him, shoving my hands into my pockets as I quickly made my way through the main area and back towards our bunks.

Yet another reminder of how differently Julia and I lived.

I plopped down in my tiny bed, clutching one of my pillows against my chest, imagining how many of these bunks could fit in just her bedroom. And even still, it wouldn't matter how big the bed was, I didn't want an inch of space between us ever again.

And then, just as I imagined, Josh subtly made his way over, sliding into his bunk across from me, flashing me an excited grin.

"So.." He said. I hesitated for a moment before peeking over at him, hoping my blushing wasn't as noticeable anymore, but based on his lively grin, I could tell that I was now branded with my own signature shade of Juliette Red.

She had left her mark on me, leaving me forever stained. And I would wear it proudly.

"So.." I said, playing dumb for as long as I could, but I knew that he would continue fishing for answers if I didn't give him something.
"Oh, come on, just tell me." He laughed. I sighed, finally rolling over and propping my head up onto my hand.

"She's just.." I started, but was unable to find the words. I had never felt like this before. How the hell was I supposed to be able to explain it when I didn't even understand it myself. He nodded, understanding. I was thankful for how easily we could communicate without words.
"I'm surprised you didn't end up on her bus tonight." He joked. I shrugged, biting down on my lip.

"Well, she.. she asked me to, so.. we're all gonna go out tonight and then after-"
"And then after you're gonna leave us again, I get it." He laughed, playfully rolling his eyes.
"It's not like that, it's just-"
"Jake, it's okay, I get it. I'm happy for you." He said simply.
"Thank you. It's just that.. that's the only time the two of us can be.. alone, and-"
"Alright, I don't need the details." He groaned. I felt my cheeks burn again.

"There are no details yet." I muttered, avoiding his eyes, rolling back over.
"Well, that's okay. What's the rush?" I shrugged.
"Nothing, I just.. I feel like.. she wants something to happen but I.. I'm just-"
"You're not ready for that. That's fine. If she likes you, then-"
"It's not that I'm not ready, I just.. well, I mean I'm not, but.. I'm just scared she's gonna hurt me. She still hasn't technically.. picked me, and the farther we go, the more it's gonna hurt if she doesn't."

He was quiet for a moment, I'm sure trying his best to assess the situation. Out of all of us, he was always the best at showing up for you as the kind of support you needed.

"I don't see why she wouldn't pick you, Jake. She would be lucky to have someone like you. Any girl would. And.. if she can't see that-"
"I just think she's scared." I muttered.
"Well, I mean.. I can understand he reluctance. I know it's not easy. What she's gone through, it just makes me-"
"What do you mean?" He asked. I stopped. It wasn't my place to be telling anyone about the things she went through. I'm sure she wouldn't have even told me if I hadn't walked in at the right time.

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