Wicked: The Taste Of Salty, Awkward Wind From The Sea of Tension

Start from the beginning

      Soon, Sam's soup started boiling and as she was serving me her newly acquired recipe, my phone rang. I fished my pocket.
      “Yeah?” I answered, not bothering to look at the I.D.
      “My flight's been cancelled.”
      I smiled immediately. “That sucks. Means I get to see your British face longer. Please, save me the agony.”
      Adam chuckled. “You're a real charmer, love.”
      I tried to chuckle but what came out was a whimper-a result of the gory despair that was my temple. 
      “You alright?” asked Adam.
      I nodded, as if he could see me. “Yeah. Just a little hangover. Why aren't you guys suffering like I am?”
      “Nobody drank as much as you did.” He said. “Well, except for Eva. That woman couldn't control herself. She's a monster.”
      I laughed. “Glad to know I wasn't the worst.”

      When noon rolled by, my nasty, bitchy hangover significantly diminished, all thanks to Sam's newly acquired magic soup. And along my healing process came Sam's impossible convincing powers, persuading me to go on a little ‘try everything’ tour at the main beach. 
      Of course I had no choice.
      So by twelve, we—particularly Sam, Eva, Damon, and I—were gathered in Eva's yacht named after her, trying to have a not-so-awkward lunch with roast beef and corn soup. But our seating arrangement was way out of line. With Eva right across me, Sam on my left, and Damon on my right. Fantastic. Of course, Eva had no clue.
      “What happened to your hand, Damon?” I heard Eva asked, causing me to lift my gaze at them for the first time. 
      Damon's right hand was wrapped in white bandage and obviously it wasn't something you could treat with a band aid.
      “It’s nothing.” Damon answered, his expression hardening. “Just a small accident.”
      Eva looked extremely worried, but Damon's unmistakable indifference clearly had gotten to her she decided she couldn't do anything about it. Somehow, I pity her.
      Obviously, it wasn’t just a small accident. But Damon wasn’t telling Eva. Whatever it was, in some stupid way, I couldn’t stop thinking that it had something to do about me.

      Schau ned so deppad. Not everything is about you, Louise, I reminded myself.
      Sam shot me a glance and I returned it with a tiny shrug. It would be better if we stayed out of it. Less chances of Eva finding out about Damon and I’s little history.
      “So, Louise,” started Eva. “Has your buyer reached out to you already?”
      Smile! Smile you idiot! Show him you’re moving on from him. Show him you’re taking a chance at something new. That he wasn’t the only one who gets to do another shot at a relationship, fake or not.
      My forced smile finally came. “Yeah! We’re having dinner tonight.”
      “Oh fantastic!” Eva shrieked before turning to Sam. “How about you Sam?”
      “Edward and I will meet later at the main beach.” answered Sam. “He'll show me around and maybe catch dinner.”
      My head snapped at Sam. She didn't tell me about this!
      “That sounds so much fun!” cried Eva, clasping her hand together. “Well, Damon isn’t telling a word where he's bringing me today.”
      “It's a surprise.” muttered Damon. “You just have to wait and see.”
      My heart skipped a beat. 
      But I have been so accustomed to the pain that I could only sigh and shut my eyes for a brief moment.

      After lunch, Damon went to the wheelhouse and took control of the boat. I never knew he could. Well, I never got to know these parts of him. The business man Damon.
      Soon, Eva followed him inside and in a matter of seconds, Sam and I was watching the grotesque scene of my ex-boyfriend teaching my new found friend how to drive a god damn boat.

      “Does it hurt at times like this?” Sam whispered. I noticed the colossal reluctance in her features.
      I sighed, goaded and shifted my gaze at the water, leaning my elbows on the metal railing. “Ask me when it doesn't hurt.”
      Sam frowned, putting a hand on my arm. “I'm sorry I asked.”
      “Don't be.” I said, smiling a little. “Funny, I'm kinda used to it. Although, the water looks so tempting right now.”

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