chapter 5

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London, UK

Fatima's flight had just landed in London. She and her friend collected their luggage and headed outside to wait for the driver Abba had sent. After a few minutes, they noticed some bodyguards lining up, and they speculated that someone important must be arriving. Their hunch was confirmed when they saw a remarkably attractive man walking towards the bodyguards.

He had silky black hair that you wished to run your hands through. His dark, smoldering eyes radiated confidence, intelligence, and allure. With a Mediterranean nose and an incredibly pleasing physique, he was like an Adonis in human form. He exuded an aura of confidence, assertiveness, poise, and tenacity.

Fatima and Mino stood there frozen, gazing at the man. Mino was practically drooling while Fatima tried to act indifferent, but deep down, she couldn't deny his appeal. She quickly snapped Mino out of her embarrassing moment as she spotted the driver.

The driver greeted them and loaded their luggage into the trunk before driving them to their apartment. During the car ride, Mino couldn't stop talking about the handsome man they had seen. "I'm telling you, Fatima, I have never seen a man more handsome than him," Mino exaggerated, while Fatima simply rolled her eyes. "Did you see his lips? Oh God, they're so kissable," Mino shamelessly commented. Fatima widened her eyes at Mino's remark. "How do you know his lips are kissable, Mino? You should be ashamed of yourself for saying things like that. We both know he is good-looking, so spare me the detail,   Mino quipped.

Fatima shook her head, knowing that Mino was incorrigible and would never change.

Soon, they arrived at their apartment, which turned out to be lavish and screamed affluence. Fatima and Mino couldn't believe that Abba had arranged all of this for them.

They each went to their respective bedrooms to freshen up and pray. After completing their prayers, they decided to prepare a light dinner. Fatima, being the chef among them, baked a chocolate cake, while Mino squeezed fresh oranges to make juice.

They enjoyed their dinner and then went to sleep.

At the command post in London, all the lieutenants and soldiers lined up at the entrance. "The general said that someone important is coming today," a lieutenant informed. 
"But who is it?" another soldier asked, curious to know the identity of the important person.

"We'll have to wait and see," replied another soldier, as they all stood in anticipation.

Convoys began to arrive, and soon a Rolls Royce Phantom pulled up. The driver opened the door, and Captain Waziri stepped out, emanating an air of authority and grandeur. The soldiers immediately greeted him, and he acknowledged their presence with a nod and a warm smile.

Captain Waziri made his way to the general's office, where he found him engrossed in conversation with a few soldiers. As the others left, the general stood up and warmly embraced Muhammad.

They caught up for a while, with the general doing most of the talking and Muhammad attentively listening. Then, they got down to business.

"The leader of the Cobra, Mario Fernandes, has been spotted in London. Our sources have confirmed that he will be attending the freshmen gala at the University of London to make more connections," the general explained. "We need to apprehend him there, and we have already managed to capture a few of his accomplices. They are currently gathering at their new base in the Devil's Acre near Westminster Abbey, and we plan to strike tomorrow."

They continued discussing the details of their operation against the Cobra when Muhammad received a call from his mother, Sarauniya. He excused himself and stepped outside to answer the call.

"Assalamu alaikum, Sarauniya," Muhammad greeted her.

"Don't try that with me, Muhammad. I told you to come back home, and you refused. Why?" Sarauniya's voice sounded annoyed.

Muhammad sighed, feeling a pang of guilt. "I'm so sorry, Mama. Something came up, and I had to stay here, but I promise I'll be back in a few months, Insha Allah."

"I hope so too, babana," she replied, her voice softening. They chatted for a while, catching up on family matters, before finally ending the call.

Muhammad returned to the office to complete the planning for their mission against the Cobra. Despite the weight on his shoulders, he couldn't help but feel grateful for his mother's understanding and support.

As he re-entered the room, he smiled at his comrades, ready to face the challenges ahead. Little did he know that fate had more in store for him during this operation than he could have ever imagined.

With the plan finalized, Captain Waziri and the general descended to the briefing room, where the rest of the team was waiting. As they entered, all eyes turned to them. "Good evening, everyone. As you all know, we have a dangerous mission ahead of us. Our target, Mario Fernandes, is a cunning and ruthless criminal. But we have the advantage of surprise," Captain Waziri began, his voice projecting confidence. 
"As we speak, our intelligence team is monitoring the activity at the Devil's Acre base. We have identified the key members of the Cobra's network and have gathered enough evidence to convict them.

Our objective is to apprehend Mario Fernandes and gather as much information as possible to dismantle their criminal ring," the general explained.
"Based on our intel, the gala event at the University of London is a perfect opportunity for us to strike. The venue will be filled with high-profile individuals, providing cover for Fernandes and his cohorts. We've also managed to infiltrate one of their informants, who will help us identify him," Muhammad explained.

The team listened attentively, their eyes focused on Muhammad as she went into detail about the operation—entry points, possible escape routes, and contingency plans. She made sure to address any questions and concerns, providing reassurance and support.

"I want each one of you to be prepared for any scenario. We've trained for this, and I have faith in each one of you. We are a team and together, we will bring these criminals to justice," Captain Waziri declared with determination.

As the meeting concluded, Muhammad went around the room, ensuring everyone had the necessary equipment and information.

Hi guys!
I hope you're all great and in the best of health.
Well I wanted to say I appreciate how much you're doing and I Love y'all,❤️
See ya🥰

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