30 - The Last Battle Determines the Winner!

Start from the beginning

"You're using your ace Pokemon already?" she asks with a tilt of her head.

"Yeah," I reply and turn to intently concentrate on my midnight form of Lycanroc with a firm frown as I notice the poison on Poplio taking a small toll, "Use Night Slash,"

"Dodge it, and quickly use a Pound!" (Y/N) says without a single hint of hesitation.

Her little blue seal swiftly evades my Lycanroc's sharp claws, and races toward and tackles it, which makes Lycanroc flinch, making it (Y/N)'s turn to attack once more. But before she had the chance to command her Pokemon, Poplio glowed a bright blue, and slowly changed form. The audience goes absolutely crazy, as if evolution was the most exciting they could witness.

"Amazing!" (Y/N) eagerly shouts, jumping up and down with adorable excitement. "Now, Brionne! Shake off that poison and use Rain Dance!"

Rain Dance not only causes it to heavily rain but also enhances the power of Water Type moves, which were already super effective against my Lycanroc. I was in big trouble. And to add to that, the Toxic was no longer in effect.

But I could still probably land an attack before that happened. "Lycanroc, Stone Edge."

Rock spikes up from the ground and rushes to slam into (Y/N)'s Brionne with much force, but the Pop Start Pokemon surprisingly withstands the powerful attack. (Y/N) wastes no time responding, "Now use another Bubble Beam!"

The attack hits, boosted by the pouring rain, and I think I'm completely done for, but my Lycanroc is still standing, miraculously. It's a perfect chance for me to land one last move, "Lycanroc. Crunch." I command.

My Lycanroc's jaws snap down on Brionne, and it's knocked out, leaving (Y/N) with one last Pokemon, and me with two more. She looks disappointed but not willing to give up as she tosses out an Ultra Ball, revealing her closest Pokemon, Leafeon, who looks just about to send me to ruin with its pretty features. (Y/N)'s beautiful hair whips around her face as rain sends more and more of the crowd home and she commands her next move, "Leaf Blade!!"

The attack slams into Lycanroc, and it's down to one-on-one. Our last Pokemon. These next few moves will decide the battle.

-Your POV-

Wiping more water off my face, I abruptly notice my surroundings outside of the battle arena. The majority of the crowd deserted us, I really rained on their parade, for real. I didn't think they would leave, but even the announcer toned it down significantly. Good thing though, I could spot Hau, Lillie, and my brother, Sun, still standing there.

Clenching my fists, I try to shove down the excitement bubbling up as Gladion sends out his last Pokemon, Umbreon.

I can't help but suddenly burst into laughter, "It's Eevee evolution versus Eevee evolution!"

"Stop being so cute, it's not fair."

"Wha-?" I'm about to ask him to repeat it, as I feel that I hadn't heard correctly, but his Umbreon used Swift, an attack that most definitely won't miss.

It hits my Leafeon, but I hold on. "Okay then, it's our turn! Use Giga Drain!"

The announcer shouts into his microphone, and I'm wondering if he ever gets tired, "That move not only deals plenty of damage to the opponent but fortunately also heals the user!"

Gladion furrows his eyebrows, clearly concentrating. "Dark Pulse, Umbreon."

"Don't let it hit! Use Protect!" I chirp, but Gladion isn't amused as a shimmering wall defends my little Leafeon from harm for a turn. "Alrighty! Let's finish this, Leafeon!"

Gladion's eyes widen as I confidently grin even wider if possible, then spread my arms up and to my sides.

"Solar Beam!"

My Leafeon takes a moment to absorb an extremely large amount of sunlight as the Rain Dance comes to an end and the sun breaks free of dark clouds. Then, Leafeon aims at Umbreon, who is caught without a command and it shoots a beam of raw energy straight at the dark-colored fox.

Tears of happiness well up in my eyes as the first clears and all that is left standing is my Leafeon. As I reluctantly return Leafeon to its capsule, Hala declares the results to the dwindling crowd, and I glance worriedly over at Gladion. I had won, but what is he feeling at the moment?


Word count: 1459 words

Author's Note:

Oh my Arceus, I can hardly believe that it's already chapter number thirty! It seemed not long ago that I just started on an undeveloped idea of a girl moving to Alola and meeting an edgy dude named Gladion. Anyway, thanks so much to everyone who has read this so far, and I hope you're enjoying it! I don't plan on ending the book just quite yet, so don't worry! There's more Gladion from me in store!

Thanks again, and see you soon!

- Lillian

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