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My eyes slowly opened and I immediatly knew something was different.

Why are the covers red?  I turned to the side and saw-someone in bed next to me!

"Shit, shit, shit." I muttered audibly, and the person next to me stirred. I laid still, not wanting to wake up the figure beside me. I had a bad overhang form the night before and I could berely focus. Getting out of the bed slowly, I tried to do it quietly, but with no such luck. At least the people in the dorm were deep sleepers.

After my vision came into focus, I could see everyone in the dorm. There was Lupin, Pettigrew, Black, and finally...Potter. I slept with freaking James Potter. Great.

I didn't have time to think about it though, because I wouldn't want to be caught in the Gryffindoor's dorm-especially Potter's.

I got dressed in my unfortunatly very pretty dress that was sure to attract attention. That was when I saw it-an invisibility cloak. It was either the Potter's or the Black's, and I really didn't care which, I just didn't want to be seen. I would return it later without them knowing it was gone. It's not a big deal, right?

So I took it and sucessfully got back to my dorm and changed.

Then two very big thoughts hit me. If Potter remembered what happened last night, he might know it was me who took his invisiblity cloak. The second thought was; what did happen last night? I couldn't remember anything, and you would think that Reese and Clare would come and get me before I would go with Potter.

Me and Rylie's other roomate might have seen Clare coming in with Rylie. I had to check.

"Jessie," I whisper yelled, shaking her awake, "Jessie!"

"What," Jessie grumbled back grouchily.

"Did you see Clare last night?"


"Yeah, the Ravenclaw? The one that is literally always here?"

"No, I was at the party till almost 2."

"Thanks," I said, feeling a little nervous. Where was she then?

There was no way I was going to ask Reese because that would require going to the boy's dorms-and if you thought I was going to do that, you're crazy.

I looked everywhere; the Ravenclaw tower, in the library, the astronomy tower, and even the trophy room. Clare was nowhere to be found until I walked defeatedly to the Slytherin common room and I came across Clare.

I opened my mouth to ask her where she had been and that I had been worried to death when I saw that her hair was messy, her shirt unbuttoned at the top and her tie nowhere to be found.

The first thing she said when she saw me was "It's not what it looks like."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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