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Many military historians have confirmed that the forced displacement of the Palestinians was carried out in a programmed and planned manner with the aim of "cleansing" Palestine of its Arab population

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Many military historians have confirmed that the forced displacement of the Palestinians was carried out in a programmed and planned manner with the aim of "cleansing" Palestine of its Arab population. Violence, terrorism and massacres, which constituted one of the main reasons for the emigration of Palestinian Arabs from their villages and Their cities, and among the most heinous of these massacres, we are witnessing 

the "Sabra and Shatila" massacre.

40 years, and the passage of time will not wash away the blood of the martyrs and children in the camps of Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon from the hands of the Zionist occupation army and the Lebanese Christian battalion militia that allied with the occupation (on at the political and military levels), as well as many militias of agents Occupation 

In order for one of the most heinous massacres in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict to take place since the establishment of the temporary occupation entity in 1948, days after the assassination of the then newly elected President of the Republic, the traitor Bashir Gemayel, who was To the Lebanese Christians at that time a hero coming to save them from the war and the Palestinian and Syrian military interventions In their country, while he was hated by other Lebanese who were on the other side in the civil war and blamed Gemayel for his cooperation with the Zionists.

And the massacre did not only target the Palestinians, but rather a crime against humanity was committed, and its victims were also thousands of Lebanese and martyrs of various Arab nationalities, and "Its officials got away with it."

What does the scene look like today, and how do you remember the horror of the crime that was committed? And was the terrorist criminals convicted? .

On September 14, 1982, the PLO militants withdrew from southern Lebanon, and the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps remained without weapons or equipment.

A day later, the massacre began! .

At dawn on September 16, 1982, the occupation army fired luminous bombs into the sky of the two camps, and three teams of the Phalange Party militia stormed the camp.

They deceived the population and asked them to leave the houses with white flags, so that the process of genocide and indiscriminate killing began, without distinction between ages or races, using firearms and white weapons.

The Lebanese battalion militia killed everyone who was in the two camps and mutilated the corpses, slaughtered babies and infants, extracted fetuses from the mothers' wombs, raped many women, robbed them of their jewelry, and killed families. while the occupation army prevented the exit of any of the two camps, and also prevented the media from Entering the area and conveying what is happening.

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