Chapter 6

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  As Sam thrusts into me, I hear a phone ringing. My phone. I flinch as Sam pushes it deeper and forces my hips to the bed.

  Sam stops for a moment to let me breathe. I am panting with tears flowing like oceans down my face.

  Sam grabs the phone and looks at the caller ID. He sighs and picks it up. I go to say something but Sam roughly pushes his hand over my mouth. He notices my cries and I see a look of concern before I hear the voice on the other line. My roommate, max.

  "Hey Astro, you didn't show up to school in a few days. What's up?" Max says.

  Sam smiles as he slowly fucks me. His dick in my ass, his hand over my mouth. I flinch as he's so slow. He smiles as I squeeze my eyes shut to feel the pain engulfing my insides.

  "Sorry, astro isn't available right now he's uh..." Sam looks at my naked body as he begins to pick up pace. "Busy." He finishes.

  "Astro? He's busy. Like hell. Astro you ok?" Max says loud. I try to make noise but it hurts too much to do so.

  Sam sighs and hangs up the phone. Carelessly tossing it behind him. He adjusts his position and examines my body. He blushes then looks at my eyes.

  "Does it hurt, bunny?" He asks me.

  I nod. He removes his hand from my mouth then leans in closely. His lips against mine. He thrust into me making me moan.

  "Good." He says as he kisses me deeply. His tongue dances with mine as his dick hardens inside me.

  He thrusts harder and faster then begins to do it more. I grip on the bed sheets. Sam smiles and bites on my bottoms lip as a soft moan escapes.

  "Nngh... S...Sam I'm sorry.." I mumble through moans. Sam pulls back and smirks. He wipes his mouth as saliva had fallen from my mouth to his.

  Once more, he roughly shoves it in. I jolt back and grit my teeth, tears flowing faster.

  "Good bunny, make that face again." He tells me as he roughly grabs my jaw and pulls it to his face. He thrusts into me again. Hitting my sensitive spot. Then I flinch and jolt back, my teeth gritted again. Sam smiles. "Such a good boy," he says in a playful tone.

  "I..m ..s...sorry Sa- Ah!  ple..ase.. st- ah nggng!" I moan. I feel my eyes blur a bit. And my vision grows dark.

  Sam picks up my limp body and finishes with me. I jolt in pain, but I do it as I sleep. Sam chuckles at my unconscious reaction.

  "Such a good boy. Bunny, you needed to be taught a lesson." He says as he lays my body down and strokes my hair.

  He sighs and I feel the bed become loose. He'd gotten up and walked away. His clacking of his shoes tells me this. He shuts the door and tunes off the lights.

**Sam's pov**

  I walk down. The long, endless hallway. My dick is slimy bectof bunny. But I don't mind it. But now I have a new problem. Max.

  After some research, I find max is gay and a player. But on an alternative account, he talks about how pretty and loving astro is. But most importantly. This max guy has been stalking astro.

  I get out of the house and to my car. A black sedan I take to avoid police. It's the same cat I used to get astro.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. The caller ID says it's astro. I flinch because I'd left the phone in the room astro is in. I quickly turn the car around to head back home. When I pull into the driveway I get another call. It's from astro. This time I pick it up.

  "He's so cute when he's asleep." Says a dark voice. I flinch as this voice was unknown to me.

  I slam open the door and see a man. Max. He had a mask on and everything. I glare at him as he's taller larger and more jacked then I am. But he surprises me more by the fact, he has astro in his arms.

  "Put him down!" I say with anger in my tone.

  Max chuckles and holds Astro's limp body in a bridal style in his arms. But he hugs astro closer.

  "I think I'll keep him. He was mine first, right Sam?" He says. I flinch as he says my name. "I know you've done your research. You know everything about me. But what you forgot to check is I knew you, astro and... Dan." He says with a slight grin. Even if he's wearing a mask I still can tell he's smirking.

  "How the hell?" I start but max grabs his phone mad records me. He's surprisingly strong to hold up astro and a phone..

  "I know everything. I was friends with astro before you. Well before you knew his existence.," He says and holds astro up close.  "I know that he watched you kill Dan. I know he was traumatized. I know he cried and you had sex with him. Basically raping him since he didn't even say it was ok." Max says. His voice in a matter-of-fact tone.

  "Who the hell are you?" I say. I reach for .y pocket knife but remember I had set it down on the table in my kitchen because I knew astro would try to take it.

  "I also know, that you kidnapped little Astro here." He pauses then looks at me with a glare. "Touch him ever again and you won't see the light of day." His voice is cold and before I k ow it. His phone that's recording is in his pocket and a gun is pointed at me. I flinch and back away. Max motions for me to move away from the door and I do. He carries my love out of the room then to his car where he then drives off.

  **Astro's Pov**

  I wake up and I'm in a car. This one isnt as quiet or awkward as it was with Sam. There was music playing and a man humming. I groggily turn my head to find max. My friend since I was like 4.

  "Max?" I say as I rub my tired eyes. I blink a few times as it's been a while since I'd seen him.

  Max smiles and turns to me. "Oh, morning Astro. How are you feeling?" He says. He rubs my cheek and pats my head before turning back his focus to the road.

  "Uh, wait was it a dream?" I ask groggily. Max chuckles.

  "Was what a dream? You getting kidnapped by that bastard Samuel." He says. His tone changes when he says sam's birth name and not the nickname.

  I nod."so it wasn't a dream. Wait but how'd you.. where even is Sam?" My mind runs with questions as I feel confused to the limit.

  Max sighs and pats my head. He chuckles a bit. Then glances at me.

  "It's wasn't a dream. Remember that necklace I gave you? The heart one?" Max asks. I remember when he gave it to me. It was a black chocker with a heart charm. "I put a tracker in it Incase you'd get lost or hurt." He pauses and looks at me. "Not like in a creepy way. I just know how apologetic you are when it comes to being in danger. Like when you punched Sam that one night." Referring to the night Sam drugged me.

  "Oh, wait how'd you know about that?" I ask. Max sighs then leans his head back as we're caught in traffic.

  "I had saw you and wanted to talk to you but I saw Sam." He pauses. "But that charm, the tracker I mean. I used it to find you after Sam got you." He says.

  I nod as it makes sense. "Thanks I guess." I rub my tired filled eyes and yawn.

  Max smiles as he hum to the song again. I feel tired and he tells me to sleep a bit.

  "Hey love, you really should sleep. I hope you don't mind much, but I'm taking you to my place. Samuel will check your place then your sisters and brothers places looking for you. He doesn't know where I live so it's better you stay hidden till the police get him." Max explains.

  I nod and yawn again. "Thanks max." I say as I lean against the window. Max smiles as he notices my eyes drooping down. He pats my thigh as I drift into my slumber. Black and nothing else besides the occasional blobs of color that sprinkles around my eyes like an abstract piece of art.


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