Chapter 1

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I had finally descended into a nightmare. It was a lonesome journey, exactly what I didn't like. I kept hearing thunder and rain outside the windows, and it would sometimes randomly knock in the walls. I was creeped out about this place.

'Am I just wandering around aimlessly?' I thought to myself.

Yes I was.

I was sometimes opening drawers, finding money left behind. It was the only thing left to give me hope. I kept hoping that I would randomly end back on Earth -whatever that is- and be able to see my family again -if I have one-.

I had reached door "0011" when the lights started flickering a TON. My first instinct was to jump into the closet to my left, so that's what I did. I waited in the closet for a while. Suddenly, I heard faint screaming. A few seconds later there was a black-colored face zooming down the halls. I saw it horrifyingly smiling, when it went past the closet I was in. It broke all the lighting, so I thought I wouldn't be seeing for a while. When I finally came out of the closet, the face was gone. 

"What the HELL was that?..." I ask. "Well, that was Rush." I hear a voice behind me reply. "WHAT THE HELL!?" I scream, jumping away from the closet, where the sound came from. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not dangerous unless you stay in my closet longer than welcomed." the voice says. "Oh...Well...What's your name?" I ask awkwardly. "I'm Hide." Hide replies. "Cool name." I say. "Thanks, but shouldn't you possibly continue your journey?" Hide asks. "Maybe I should. Bye Hide!" I say, walking through the door that Rush opened. "You should maybe watch out for Screech. He lurks in dark rooms like this one." Hide advises. "Alright." I say.

The next room is a four-way crossed room. All of the doors are locked, so I look for the key right away. While I'm scoping out some drawers I hear Hide in a nearby closet. "Hey, long time no see." Hide laughs. "Wait, are you in every room?" I ask, my face twisting into a smile as I laugh. "Yep. That was a good guess." Hide replies, still laughing. "Do you know where the key is?" I ask. "It's in the left drawer beside the bed in the bottom drawer." Hide replies. "Thanks." I say, happy that Hide wants to help me. "No problem. By the way, I think I might be the only nice entity that hangs out everywhere." Hide says. "Well, you seem really nice. Are all the other entities hostile?" I ask. "Most of them I'm sure of, but some actually tend to be affected by certain human feelings and activities." Hide replies. "You'll figure it out." With that, Hide's voice is gone. "Hide?" I ask, but to no avail. Hide has left me alone again.

I walk back into the middle of the cross-way. All of the three doors have different numbers on them. "0012", "0014", and "0013". 'Wait, what number was next?' I think. I go to the door I used to enter this room, but the numbers are scribbled and jumbled. "Shiiiiittt. Is this another entity?" I sigh. I look at the key. Thank the heavens the number is still on the tag, but it's barely readable. "0013" I make out from the tag. My heart pounds loudly in my chest as I unlock door "0013". I wonder if I chose the wrong door, but when I open it, it's just another normal room.

When I enter the room, Hide starts speaking again. "Hey, sorry for leaving you alone back there. I just wanted to test your intelligence, since most players lose half of their life with Dupe's tricks." "What do you mean...players?" I ask. "Oh, I'm just talking about players like you, or as you might say humans." Hide replies. "Oh." I sigh. "How long am I going to be walking through this hotel?" "Well, depends on how fast you walk, but seeing as you take your time and think logically about everything, it might take you about a day or two." Hide replies.

'Ugh. This is going to take so long.' I think.

(A/N: This took such a long while to write because I don't really have time to write since It's exam week. This is abt 700 words long.)

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