"Come to take me, bind me? I will not let that simian abomination triumph again! And as for you, you won't take my daughter again!" DBK shouts before roaring. Iron Fan starts to narrow her eyes while looking at her husband.

Back with the heroes, they had just made it to the Flaming Floudry.

"all right, so what's the plan?" Sandy asks.

"Uh... I dunno. I was just gonna... wing it?" MK states.

"Oh boy! How did I not see that decision being made?" Alinta asks sarcastically. But everyone else agreed with the idea.

"What? No! I didn't mean you guys, too!" MK shouted.

"You thought you were going without us?" Tang asked MK.

"We're not letting you die out there," Alinta stated.

"MK, we get it. You're the Monkie Kid, eh? It's your job to go fight the bad guys," Pigsy said.

"But that's also my job! Along with my siblings!" Celeste proclaimed, hugging MK and making him blush.

"And we're your team, little man! It's our job to get you there!" Sandy said.

"And we also protect you," Sierra said.

"No matter what," Mei said

MK looked at everyone and smiled. Then Winter spoke up. "Well, I'm only doing this because I can't let Celeste's future boyfriend die just yet."

Celeste started turning red. MK didn't understand Winter's comment.

"Will you stop assuming other peoples' relationships?!" Sierra shouted. Winter answered with a giggle.

Pigsy then stepped on the gas and smashed into the fortress. Once they got into the Flaming Foundry, a truck started to follow them. It then pushed the group's truck on its side, but it was still driveable.

"Look! There! DBK's throne room!" Tang pointed to a massive hole in the ground. "It's gotta be down... there."

A truck then appears next to the group's truck. It then started ramming into them. Luckily, Sandy managed to get Mei, MK, and the siblings out of their truck before the truck was destroyed by the other truck.

They started running toward the hole. But they were stopped by the truck that rammed into their truck. But Sandy destroyed it before it hurt the group. Mei, MK, Celeste, and Alinta jumped off Sandy's back while Sandy, Celeste, and Winter fought off the oncoming Bull Clones.

"Come on, guys! Leggo!" Mei shouted before jumping into the hole with the others.

But the hole was very deep, so they started falling. Luckily, Mei plunged her sword into some rocks to stop them from falling. Alinta, Sierra, and MK were hanging on her for dear life.

"Now what?" MK asked. Sierra answered with a shrug.

"So, about getting down. If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you do the same?" Mei asked.

"Mei, if you kill us, I'm haunting you for the rest of your life," Alinta stated, making Mei laugh nervously.

"Uh, guys," MK said nervously. The others then saw multiple inactive Bull Clones around them.

"What are we gonna do?!" MK quietly yelled while he and the others panicked.

Suddenly Mei's phone started to ring. It echoed throughout the hole, making the Bull Clones flicker to life. Mei started to reach out for her phone in her pocket, but let go of her sword in the process. Luckily, MK managed to grab the sword and Mei, preventing everyone from falling.

The Four Season Siblings (Lego Monkie Kid x OCs)Where stories live. Discover now