5- Dinner 'dates'

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"You're wearing that?"

"Why?" Is he really gonna judge my outfit?

"No, nothing, let's go"I roll my eyes at his lack of an answer before reluctantly following him to the car we were given for the weekend

"Can you not act completely immature while we're out? Please"

"Damn, I was planning on throwing tantrums in intervals, had the timers set up and everything" I mean seriously, who does he think he is? He's only two years older than me if anything i've always been the more mature one

"I'm serious Verstappen, if I have to tell the world i'm dating you i'd rather not get dragged for the downgrade"

"Downgrade from who? Wasn't it like a new girl every week?"

"So you're stalking me now?"

"So you're admitting to it?"

"Last girl I dated was a model, something you're far from"

"I'm flattered, truly" Dickhead.

"Have you even had a boyfriend? Don't think anyone would want to date someone like you"

"You dated me dipshit" Is he actually slow?

"Yeah and I regret it daily"

"You really know how to make a girl feel special" I step out of the car as we slow to a stop infront of a fancy looking restaurant

"Don't slam the door" Right as he says the words I slam the door shut, looking back at him with a sarcastic smile

He makes it to my side before I start walking inside

"You're such a bitch it's insufferable" he whispers the sentence, a smile on his face that's reciprocated by the hostess, unaware of the rude words he's muttering out of earshot from her

"I've been trying a new technique, I think it's pretty effective" By technique I mean not thinking and just doing or saying whatever shit comes to mind without going over repercussions

The looks I receive throughout the day of Leclerc saying 'I hate you with every fiber in my being' truly encourage me to do it more

Once we've sat down and looked through the menu I place mine back on the table, staring at the glass in-front of me, the water swaying back and forth with every movement the table makes

"They should really make these tables more even, the waters gonna spill" Why did I say that? I have no idea.

When there's no topic of conversation I have a habit of saying whatever is on my mind simply to not be sitting in silence, majority of the time it works, just as it does now

"Ask me a question"

"So aggressive" I scoff at the random command and pull out my phone to find the list I was sent by Eloise

"These are idiotic questions"

"Just fucking ask one so we're not here for absolutely no reason"

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