4- Imola

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It's bad enough that i'm already expected to be doing well and I need to prove everyone wrong but now i've got to add Charles Leclercs girlfriend to that list

How is it physically possible to want me to do all of that?

This is my rookie year for fucks sake just cut me some slack

He's the number one driver I personally don't think I should be put in the spot light for any of this bullshit

"Are you coming?"

"It's not like I can just not show up" Why does he have to be so rude? I'm clearly coming, i'm literally putting shoes on right now

"By all means, no one needs you there anyway, the reserve driver would probably end up with a better result than you"

"I was on the podium for my first ever race, was I not? Remind me, where were you on your first?"

He doesn't answer, only acknowledging the question with a scoff, I didn't need the answer anyway, I had watched the race, despite claiming to hate him I locked myself in my room, and told everyone that I was taking a nap when in reality I was watching him

He got p13 that day and I wanted nothing more than to be there to support him but he wouldn't have wanted me there, and my logical thinking didn't want to be there either, I never saw him again until over a year later, we didn't even talk, that's when I knew, we had officially gone back to hating each other, just as we did when we were kids, all the way up until 2017, I suppose true hatred can't be pushed away since it's clearly came back stronger than ever even now

"We're supposed to ask questions"

"Then ask a question" I respond in a no shit tone, staring out my window at the streets passing by

"No, i'm driving, you ask"

"Well that wouldn't have been a problem if you'd just let me drive"

"Absolutely not you'd get us killed I hate being in the pass-"

"Yeah, i'm entirely aware, you have to be in control, quite fitting"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"What? Don't act like you're oblivious to how fucking controlling you are"

"I am not controlling, you're out of your mind"

"Do I have to remind you of our entire lives?" I mean seriously, there hasn't been a moment in time that he wasn't controlling everyone around him in one way or another, everyone was probably just to blinded by his golden boy facade to fucking notice

"I'd love to revisit those memories but you'd probably start crying thinking about how much I beat you"

"You better hold onto those memories because you won't be beating me anymore" I quickly get out when we arrive at the circuit, there's no way in hell am I acting like i'm dating him after that conversation

I decide that the only person I want to put up with right now is my brother, quickly making my way into the red bull garage he's talking with one of his mechanics

"Care to share some of those secrets of yours for the car" I wiggle my eye brows as I show up behind them

Max- "You're already threatening my chances at success I don't think you need any more help"

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