The woman sighed deeply, pursing her lips. In all honesty, she was doing far better than she thought she'd be. Camilla believed that she'd spiral into a deep depression due to the death of her family, but she felt fine. Sure, she was upset about their deaths, but it was as thought she was unaffected.

And that scared her.

Why had she barely had any reaction to such tragedy? What was wrong with her?

"I'm okay." She whispered softly, lifting her head off of his shoulder and glancing up to look at him. He was gazing down at her with those jade eyes, a skeptical look etched into his features. "Really, Dean. I'm fine."

"Y'know, every time someone says they're fine, they really aren't." And that was true. Yet, for some sick and twisted reason, Camilla felt completely and totally fine. But she wouldn't admit that to anyone, not even to Dean.

So, she said, "If I am ever not okay, then I'll let you know. Okay?" Dean lifted his hand in response, extending his pinky finger, "Promise?" Camilla scoffed, holding back a laugh, "Are you serious?"

"Of course, darlin'. After all, you can't break a pinky promise." The dark-haired woman shook her head slightly, letting out a chuckle before extending her own pinky finger toward him, intertwining hers with his, "Okay, I promise."

Retracting their fingers, Dean opened his mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by the sound of Sam's voice, "Hey!" The pair glanced up to find the tall man walking alongside two familiar faces, "Look who I found!"

Now standing before them was Andrea and Lucas, the boy carried a tray full of sandwiches. Camilla smiled at the sight, "Hey guys." She greeted, Lucas smiled in return. "We're glad we caught you. We just, um, we made you lunch for the road." Andrea gestured to her son, "Lucas insisted on making the sandwiches himself."

"Can I give it to them now?"

It was a surprise to hear the young boy's voice, but also somewhat relieving. He was doing better now, and that was a blessing, especially for Andrea. His Mother nodded in response, and Dean retracted his arm from around Camilla's shoulders as Lucas approached him with the tray.

"Come on, Lucas, let's load this into the car." He led the young boy toward the Impala, leaving Camilla and Sam with Andrea. The tall man spoke up first, "How are you doing?" She sighed, brushing a lock of hair away from her face, "It's just gonna take a long time to sort through everything, you know?"

"I'm sorry Andrea." Camilla said sympathetically. The woman waved her off, "Oh please, you've been through a whole hell of a lot more than me, I should be asking how you are doing." "I'm better now, knowing that the town is safe now." She replied.

Andrea sent the young woman a grateful smile, "Thank you again. You saved my son, risking your life in the process, I don't know how I'll ever repay you." Camilla felt a blush creep up her neck, suddenly becoming very shy and bashful. She wasn't used to be treated like a hero, and she doubted she ever would be.

"Just stay safe." And with a wave, Camilla left Sam and Andrea to their business and headed towards the Impala, where Dean was now talking with Lucas. She couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips as she eavesdropped on the conversation, "All right, if you're gonna be talking now, this is a very important phrase, so I want you to repeat it one more time."

There was a slight pause before Lucas shouted, "Zeppelin rules!" Dean looked like a proud father as he held his hand up for a high-five, to which Lucas obliged. "You take care of your mom, okay?"

"All right." Lucas replied, moving to run toward his Mom, but he paused, turning back to Dean, "Will you take care of her?" He asked, pointing towards Camilla. The brunet stared at the woman for a moment, his lips quirking up slightly as he nodded, "Yeah, I'll take care of her."

"Good." Without another word, Lucas rushed towards Camilla, almost tackling her in a hug. She was taken aback, but didn't hesitate to reciprocate the action. It was a sweet moment, and everyone paused to admire it. After a few seconds, Camilla pulled away, "You stay safe okay?"

"Yes ma'am!" He exclaimed. Camilla ruffled his hair before letting the kid run back to his Mother. The trio then said their goodbyes before climbing into the Impala. Dean at the wheel, Sam in shotgun, and Camilla in the back. It felt natural, like this was how it always was supposed to be.

Before they hit the road, Sam turned around, smiling at Camilla, "Are you ready for this?" She hesitated. Was she truly ready for this? She honestly didn't know. But when she saw Dean wink at her in the rearview mirror, she knew that she was gonna be okay.

"Born ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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