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"I didn't kill him. I didn't kill anyone."

"And you're trying to tell me that William just drowned in the sink?"

The woman sighed deeply, massaging her temples, "I know how it looks, Sheriff, but I promise you, I would never do this." The man seated before her sent her a pitiful look. Almost like he wanted to believe her, but knew he couldn't. Upon finding her with William's dead body, Bill Carlton hadn't hesitated to call the authorities, claiming that she had murdered him.

Camilla was shocked he'd think her capable of such an appalling act, but then again, rumors spread, and maybe he was falling prey to them.

Her wrists ached from the tightness of the handcuffs she'd worn for hours on end. Red raw spots had been left in their wake. Her entire body was achy with exhaustion. Between the Sophie incident, the William incident, and the constant interrogation in the past twenty-four hours, she had gotten barely any sleep. It took her all to remain awake while talking to the Sheriff.

Jake leaned back in his chair, pursing his lips, "Can you explain to me again what happened?" "I've told you already! We were making dinner, the water turned black and wouldn't drain. William tried to fix it and something grabbed him. I tried to pull him away, but it was too strong."

She knew exactly how unbelievable that explanation was, but she was speaking the truth. And she just needed someone to believe her. Jake remained silent, reaching for a folder, "Well, good news, you're not going to be going to jail."

A wave of relief washed over her, "So you believe me? You believe I didn't do it right?" He averted her question, and instead opened the manila folder, pulling out a piece of paper. Jake cleared his throat, "Instead, we've decided that we'll be sending you to Manitoc Mental Institution."

Her stomach dropped, breath quickening, "W-What?"

"We've discussed it with your Father, and we believe it's best for you." Camilla shook her head, "No, no, you-you can't send me there, I'm not crazy, I'm telling you! T-talk to the agents! They've seen shit like this before!"

She couldn't do this. Not again. Not ever.

"Camilla, this is what is best. After everything you've experienced and your suicide attempts-"

"Suicide attempts?? Are you fucking kidding me? You believe those rumors?! Aren't you a Sheriff? Shouldn't you be shutting down that kind of shit??"

She was infuriated. How could someone this high up in the authorities believe the rumors? Had she been through a lot? Yes. But had she ever tried to take her own life? No. Because she always believed that things would get better, that she'd keep fighting. And that's exactly what she'd done.

"We've scheduled an escort for you. You have today to pack up your things, say your goodbyes. I will pick you up at seven and bring you here where the escort will be waiting." She shook her head, rising from her seat, "I'm not going with you." She stated, standing her ground.

But Jake shrugged, "I'm afraid you don't have a choice."


Sam and Dean burst into the Sheriff's office, determined, men on a mission. Jake glanced up from his paperwork, "Hello boys." He greeted. "Where is she?" Dean demanded, his voice stern. They'd tuned into the police radio the previous night after receiving a call from Camilla. The brothers were shocked to find that she'd been taken into police custody for the murder of William Carlton.

Of course, they knew she was innocent. But how could they prove it without any evidence?

"I'm afraid Miss Carlton is heading home to pack her things."

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