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The Impala was parked on the street outside of the Barr house. Sam, Dean, and Camilla had yet to exit the vehicle. Camilla remained inside due to the fear of being caught and dragged back to the station, while Sam and Dean were concerned for her being discovered.

But they had to speak with Lucas. Dean had explained to Camilla how it might be the only way to save her. "The only thing that'll save me is getting out of here. The sheriff'll just find another reason to send me away." She had said. And they knew she was right. This meant they were on a time limit now. They had five hours to solve this mystery and skip town with Camilla.

Time was a-wasting.

Clearing his throat, Sam spoke up, "Not to be that person, but we should probably go inside." Camilla picked at her lips, a nervous tick she'd picked up over the years, "Are you sure she won't say anything about me being here? Her dad is the Sheriff after all." She murmured, her stomach churning anxiously.

Dean glanced at the woman in the rearview mirror, taking in how pale she looked now, her hands shaking slightly with nerves. It had been a rough couple of days, and he wasn't going to let her continue to feel unsafe. He turned slightly, looking at her, "Hey, everything's gonna be fine. We're gonna try to talk to Lucas, we still have a few hours to find out what's killing your family, and once that's done, we're getting you out of here."


She knew it was stupid, who the hell made promises in their adult life, but Camilla needed something to assure that these guys actually intended on saving her. Dean sent the woman a soft smile, "We promise." He said, nudging Sam's ribs with his elbow, who groaned before nodding along, "Yeah-yeah, we promise."

Dean then threw open the driver seat door, stepping out into the cool air. He shuffled toward the back door, pulling it open. As Camilla climbed out, she sent him a thankful smile, pulling her coat tighter around her body as the wind chilled her to the bone.

She followed the two brothers to the door, noticing how every now and then Dean would glance back at her, almost as if he was checking up on her. It made the woman's heart flutter, a blush creeping up her neck.

'Jesus, Camilla, calm down,'

Once in front of the door, Sam lifted his hand, rapping his knuckles against the wood. He knocked thrice before shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans, awaiting an answer. Suddenly, Camilla was struck with an urge to smoke. With all the adrenaline coursing through her from the events that occurred over the past couple of days, she needed an escape.

Reaching into the pocket of her jeans, retrieving her lighter. Noticing the movement, Sam side-eyed her, his brows arched. Seeing Sam's reaction, Dean glanced at her, his jade gaze falling upon the pack of cigarettes in her manicured hand.

Before either could question her actions, the door was pulled open to reveal Andrea Barr, confusion etched in her features. "Agents... Camilla.. what can I do for you?" The way she hesitantly spoke the woman's name proved that her Father had already filled her in with the details of William Carlton's death. Camilla refrained from rolling her eyes, she was not going to explain herself when everyone  believed her to be guilty.

"Hey Andrea, we need to talk to Lucas." Sam said, getting straight to the point. Andrea crossed her arms, leaning against the doorframe, "I don't think that's the best idea." "Please, I just need to talk to him. Just for a few minutes." Dean reasoned. "He won't say anything, what good is it going to do??"

Camilla groaned in annoyance, speaking up, "Listen, Andrea, I wouldn't doubt these guys. If they need to talk to Lucas, you should let them." Andrea stared at the woman, her eyes narrowing as she anxiously shifted her weight from foot to foot, "I don't want her in my house." At this the dark-haired woman scoffed, "Fine by me. I'll be by the car." She murmured, turning on her heel and moving away from the doorstep.

"Hey, Camilla-"

"Dean, let her go." Sam said as Dean watched her walk away, pulling a cigarette out of the box in her hand, wasting no time in lighting it. Andrea then invited the boys inside, the sound of the door slamming behind them once again reminding Camilla that she wasn't welcome. The woman took a drag of the cigarette, wisps of smoke curling from her lips.

As she smoked, her mind began to wander. What would happen if Sam and Dean were unable to solve the mystery behind these murders, and she was sent to the Manitoc Institution? She couldn't go back to a place like that. Camilla Carlton tried to live her life for the better, but she had too many demons holding her back. How could she try and live a somewhat normal life after all she'd been through?

Dean promised he'd save her. Sam seemed reluctant. Would he convince his brother to leave her? Did they have enough baggage? Were they willing to take in someone like her? Or would they say 'they'd save her' and proceed to dump her on the side of the road once out of town?

There was an endless possibility of what could go wrong, and she was absolutely terrified. Her dark gaze flitted to the sky. Dark clouds swirled above. A frown tugged at her lips. She'd noticed lately that the sky seemed to appear darker, the sun barely shining. It was strange to her, but then again, what wasn't strange at the moment.

Many minutes passed before the sound of a door slamming caught her attention, Camilla plucked the cigarette from her lips, letting it fall to the concrete sidewalk before crushing it with the heel of her boot. Seeing Sam's negative reaction to her itching for a smoke earlier, she decided it was best to not do so in front of the boys.

Sam and Dean approached her, the older brother holding a piece of paper in his hand. The woman arched her brows, "What's that?" She questioned once they were close. "That is what Lucas drew for us." Dean said, passing her the paper. Camilla took a moment to examine it.

Drawn on the paper was a white church,  a yellow house, and a boy with a blue baseball cap and red bicycle in front of a wooden fence. She recognized the house immediately. "Hey, that's the old Sweeney house." She pointed out.

"You know where this is?" Sam questioned. Camilla nodded, "Anyone who lives here does... but," She paused, furrowing her brows, "Why would he draw this?" "Andrea said that he didn't start drawing like this till his Dad died." Sam nodded along with his brother's words, "There are cases—going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies."

This caught Camilla's attention. These visions she'd had... was she psychic? How else would she have known about Will dying and trying to warn him? But... these so called psychic tendencies... they usually occurred after trauma. She'd been having visions since before her biological parents died.

'This is giving me a headache," She thought, tuning into the conversation once again. "Well I say we check out the Sweeney house, see if we can dig anything up." Dean suggested, to which Sam nodded. The elder Winchester took notice of Camilla's dazed state, "Camilla, you good?"

She turned to him, plastering a fake smile onto her face, "Just peachy."

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