Shiloh was brought out of their thoughts by hands gripping their hips, "Easy baby. No need to rush."

They looked up at a grinning Rhett, "Hi, Kýrie"

"Hmm, what's that?" Rhett leaned down and kissed Shiloh lightly on the lips.

"Sir in Greek. Malin's Kýrios."

"You speak Greek, huh?"

"Mmhhmm, only for a couple of years though and I haven't been speaking it lately, so I'm probably pretty rusty now." 

"Well, you can talk to me in Greek whenever you want. I might not be able to understand, but I'd love to just listen. I'm sure MJ feels the same."

Shiloh grinned, cheeks a pale red. The moment was broken by the rumbling of Shiloh's stomach causing their blush to darken. "Well, it's a good thing breakfast is done. Come on, cutie."

Shiloh happily followed Rhett to the table and was stunned by the various foods laid out. Before they could slide into one of the chairs, Rhett scooped them up and onto his lap. Before Shiloh could get a word out, Rhett was shushing them. "Hush, Baby. Let me feed you."

Not wanting to be a burden Shiloh contemplated arguing, but with one of his hands rubbing small circles on their stomach and the other alternating between feeding himself and Shiloh, they couldn't help but relax happily and accept the care. Too focused on watching Rhett cut up some fruit, Shiloh didn't see Malin's look of hope and excitement as he watched the two.

The trio ate in near silence, the only sound being Shiloh's happy hums.

"Do you remember what we told you about today?"

"Mmhmm. You're going to behave as you normally would with a submissive, I'll be punished and rewarded depending on how I respond to commands, and if at any time I'm overwhelmed I need to communicate it or use my safe word." As nervous as they were, they were also excited and curious.

"Good, Baby Doll. Just remember, we don't want to make you uncomfortable. Just like how you might come to need to submit, we need this. If you don't like it, that's completely okay. Now, go with Rhett, he'll pick out your clothes." Shiloh nodded and pecked Malin on the cheek before practically bouncing to the bedroom.

Before Rhett could follow, Malin stopped him. "Do you really think they can handle it?"

"I think they're going to surprise you." With a quick hug, Rhett was gone and leaving Malin to clean up breakfast.

Rhett walked into the bedroom to see Shiloh sitting on the bed waiting patiently, "Good baby. Go take a shower, no longer than 10 minutes. I'll have your clothes ready for you."

Shiloh nodded and hopped off the bed only to be stopped in their tracks by Rhett's voice, "Words, baby. We'll always expect a verbal response."

"Yes, Kýrie. I'll be right back." Shiloh was off to the bathroom while Rhett shuffled through the different pieces of clothes before finally settling on an outfit. He relaxed back on the bed as he waited. Shiloh emerged from the bathroom surrounded by steam and wrapped tightly in a towel,

"Come here." Shiloh approached obediently and was baffled when Rhett gripped the towel and gently dried them off, rubbing the soft fabric all over. Shiloh blushed brightly as Rhett gently dried between their legs. Next, their hair was dyed until it was only lightly damp.

"Thank you, Kýrie" Shiloh smiled shyly.

"You're so very welcome, baby." Rhett caressed Shiloh's face lightly, fingers just brushing over their cheekbone. He handed Shiloh a small stack of folded clothes, "Here's your clothes. When you're done getting ready, meet us in the living room."

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