Letter 2 •Ryan

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Dear Niall,

Hi. This is still kinda weird, but hi anyways!

Today is Wednesday. It's been two days since I've wrote the first letter.

I'm sitting in Wendy's by myself. I was supposed to go with my sister, but she canceled on me... again. It's okay though, maybe next time, right?

Have you ever felt like sometimes you're too good for others? It sounds conceded, but like, for real. Like you try so hard to make other people happy, but yet when it comes to you, no one steps up to do the deed? I don't know... I've just been thinking a lot.

  I tend to do that quite a bit- think. I can't help it. I just get so overwhelmed and I work myself up and in most cases it's over nothing. I sometimes wish I didn't though. Because when I do, I sometimes end up doing things that I regret and can't take back. I wish I was different. I wish I was normal.

I'm anything but.

  I just heard the door ding and when I looked up, you were standing there with your friends. You were looking at me and they laughed. ...Don't know what that means, but I can hear them whispering about me. Little do they know, I'm writing about them too.

I don't really know what to write, but I don't want to look up to see if you're still looking at me.

I feel like you judge me hard core. Am I weird to you? Do you like me? I don't think you do, but I don't know why. I know I have scars, and I know you've caught me trying to hide them one time, but you haven't ever said anything about them. Does that make me weird to you? Is that why you don't talk to me?

  I wish I knew the reason. It'd be easier.

What do you think about me, Niall?

What makes me different from everyone else? You talk to everyone else in class, but you've never spoken one word to me.


I wish I knew...

  Bye, niall.

~ Ryan

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