Letter 14 •Niall

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Well, this is it.

Is there even a point to these letters anymore?

This is the last one I write to my therapist because she's not really helping me anymore now that I'll be away.

Do I stop these then? I kinda wanna, but then again, every time I write one I feel even more connected to you Ry. Even though I know you don't and won't ever read them, I like to pretend that you do.

Or maybe the letters that I write will actually be real. I did say that I'd write you surprise letters in my previous one. I guess I could do that..idk, we'll see..

I don't even know if I'll have time to sit and write.. The emails I've been getting from my coach about practice and all have been hell. At least that feels like what I'm about to enter.. Ugh, I wish I knew the answer to this. My head is just all sorts of fucked up right now.

Ok, therapy it is, then I'll be on my way to pick you up before we leave...

By the way, my mother is a wreck so please take care of her. I trust you the most.



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