Chapter Two-Now Even With Secrets (The Dog Ate My Homework)

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Please Notice!: In this chapter, this is pretty much focused on the point of view of Lou and Marinette. And that is all, enjoy the chapter.

It was just another ordinary day like any other in Beverly Hills, California.

Where Larke is driving with Lou and Marinette, and on a call with Troy. "I'm so excited about the Midnight Ball tonight," Larke said to them. "Me too, Larke," said Troy. "We're on our way for a fitting for the gowns we're going to wear. I hope you like it. I picked a color that matches your eyes." Larke said to Troy. "It better be red, because right now, my eyes are bloodshot. I've been up half the night during our homework assignment." Troy said, rubbing his tired eyes. "We know the feeling, Troy," Lou said, sipping on her coffee. Marinette nodded and added, "Yeah, it took us all week to do ours." "And I am going to finish mine tonight," Larke said. Troy then said, "Listen, I'll talk to you guys later. My tailor will be here any minute." "Oh, you're getting a new suit?" Lou asked. "I sorta have to since I've been chosen to be the prince of the Midnight Ball," Troy answered. "Oh, how neat," Larke said happily. "I sure hope someone nice is chosen as your princess, Troy." Marinette said, happily proud of Troy. "I have a feeling she will be, Nettie." Lou said which got Troy nodding in agreement.

When they got there, they see Bianca and Wilshire walking out of there along with Wilshire holding a bunch of boxes with dresses. "Hi, Wilshire, hi, Bianca." Larke greeted. "Oh, it's you." Bianca said, turning away. "We'll meet you inside, Larke. I gotta introduce Nettie to the tailors here." Lou said as she and Marinette get out of the car. "Okay, girls." Larke said nodding. With that, Lou and Marinette headed into the shop.

After a while of meeting the tailors and the fittings are done, Lou and Marinette are at the Dupain-Cheng residence, finishing up their assignments, enjoying some fresh pastries, and talking to Larke and Troy. "Well, I should get back to my homework now." Larke said, "You haven't finished yet?" asked Marinette. "No, I still have that history essay due," Larke said. "Well, get hot on it, sorella, you know the rules," Lou said, crossing her arms, smiling. "No completed history essay, no Midnight Ball." "Lou's right, Larke. And I wouldn't want that to happen." said Troy. "Neither would I." Larke replied, and then asked, "Will I see you guys later at the Teen Club?" "Not if you don't finish that assignment." said Marinette. After saying their goodbyes and hanging up, Lou and Marinette both continued on with their assignments. When that was all done, they started to talk about what they'll wear at the dance. Marinette was hoping to wear the dress she once made for an occasion such as the Midnight Ball, and Lou decided to go in a suit since she always wanted to wear a suit to an event like three of her uncles when they were invited to a special event.

Then suddenly, one of the kwamis, Nooroo appears floating in front of Marinette and Lou. "Dear guardian, I was hoping to ask you-" Nooroo stopped and looked surprised to see Lou there. "Oh, hello." "As much as I want to freak out in fear, but I just can't so if you don't mind me asking, who are you and what are you?" Lou calmly asked. "I am Nooroo, I am the kwami of transmission." even though it is short, Lou understood what Nooroo is. "Okay, that makes sense. Well, Nettie, looks like we're the same." she smiled. "Lou, I can explain! I just-wait,...what?" Marinette looked confused about what Lou meant. Just then, Lou then turns and walks to her bag. There, she grabs something out of her bag. And Marinette looked shocked while Nooroo looked amazed at what Lou is holding. Neatly folded clothes that turned out to be a black suit, black plaid tie with a tie-clip that has a lion, a black broad-brimmed silver-banded fedora, with two real katana swords, two real Uzi guns, five pairs of handcuffs, and a pocket knife with a real long and sharp blade. Lou noticed that her pocket knife is open, she gently places her things down on a desk and close the pocket knife. "That was close. Last thing I needed is a sudden accidental cut or two happening again like last time." Lou murmured to herself, shuddering, remembering what happened in her past time. She then breathes in and out, and turns to Marinette and Nooroo, telling them in a short sentence, "I am known from my home, Lionheart. One of the remaining Metanimals in Meta-Beta history."

Lou then explains to them how she became Lionheart, about how her friends became Metanimals with her, how they fight crime, save lives, stop the villainous psychopaths with their terrible plots for the world, and make people who were dense snap out of it along with waking up and smelling the coffee.

After learning about Lou's secret, Marinette smiles, knowing that she's not alone with a secret. She then introduces Lou to the rest of the Kwamis and tells her about her history about how she became Paris's known and beloved heroine Ladybug, how she became the new and current guardian, how Nooroo and Dusuu escaped Paris's known villain, and they and the miraculous were recovered.

After knowing their secrets, they were glad to know that they are even and they became great friends.

The next day, it was the day until the night of the Midnight Ball. Marinette and Lou were both walking to a spa, to get their hair done. When they got there, they see that it was a fancy spa that is called Brambilla Bellas. "It's a spa owned by five of my aunts in my mama's side." Lou explained as they head on into the spa. When they entered, Marinette looked around amazed. The place was 80s-modern designed, and a lot of rich girls, guys, and more people were getting their makeovers done. "Wow, your aunts must be really famous for this," Marinette commented. "Oh, they are. They're also famous for their dance studio, arcade, and many more other places that I actually have listed down. I have to remember them all when I run them all one of these days." Lou explained, holding up a notepad of every place her family owns. Then, a woman walks to them. "Ciao, Lucy-Bella," she said as she and Lou hugged. "Ciao, Zia Beretta." Lou greeted. Lou then introduces her aunt to her friend, "Zia Beretta, this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. A friend of mine from the allied school of Bernstein Academy. Nettie, this is one of my five aunts, Chiara Gianna "Beretta" Brambilla. She's pretty much the brains on my mom's side of the family." "Ciao, Mari-Bella." Beretta greeted happily. Marinette smiles, "Hi, Ms. Brambilla." she said. "Oh, there's no need for that, bambina. Please, just call me Chiara." Marinette nodded. After that, Lou and Marinette both followed Beretta to start their spa treatment. There, Marinette sees more women in the room with facemasks, hair getting done and styled, and so on. "Hey, Zia Fiamma, Honora, Armani, Federica." Lou greeted happily with a smile. "Hey there, Lucy." the ponytail-blonde, Lelia Marta "Armani" Brambilla greeted happily crossing her arms with a smile with the rest of the four sisters. After meeting the five aunts, Lou and Marinette started their spa day.

After their spa treatment, they both headed to a very fancy boutique that has many beautiful dresses, suits, and many more. There, they meet someone who walks up to them. "Miss Corleone. You and your friend got here just in time." she said, guiding them to the other side of the boutique. When they walked over there, Marinette gasped and looked amazed seeing what she is seeing. The dress was beautiful and the suit looked incredible.

"My papa offered to pay for our outfits for the ball before we got our fittings." Lou explained. Normally, Marinette would say that they didn't have to, but she could never say no to a person who is doing so much for her. Marinette then thought that when she gets a chance, she'll give Lou something as a token of her gratitude.

Later was finally the night of the Midnight Ball, and Marinette and Lou were finally ready for the exciting event. They were both walking to the event when they hear a stop of a vehicle on their right and all of a sudden, they were grabbed by the said vehicle and are now on the road. They all looked to see that it was Larke and Chester. "Larke? Chester? What's going on?" Marinette questions, confused about what's happening. A little later, the four of them arrived at the Midnight Ball. There, everyone gasped astonished and looked at them amazed.

A little while later, Lou and Marinette are talking to Gig and Jett. "You two look oh-so fabuloso!" Jett said happily. Gig nodded, looking away, trying his best to hide his tinted-red face. "Thanks, guys." Marinette said happily. "Yeah, thanks." Lou said with a smile on her face.

A couple of minutes later after getting the results, Gig, Jett, and Troy are all onstage, announcing the Princess of the Midnight Ball. Gig announced, "With eighty-two votes, this year's Midnight Ball Princesses are...Larke, Lucy, and Marinette!" Lou, Larke, and Marinette's looked surprised as the spotlight shined on them and everyone applauded for them. Larke laughed happily, waving, Marinette smiled shyly as she waves and hiding her bashful face, and Lou smiles and waved saying, "Grazie." Gig continued, "And the runner up with one vote, is Bianca."

After placing the crowns on their heads, Troy, Lou, Larke, and Marinette all waved to the crowd as they applauded and congratulated them.

And everyone enjoyed the rest of their time at the Midnight Ball until it was dusk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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