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Today is a sad day for most of the kids in Paris, France.

Marinette is already packing her stuff into bags and suitcases with her mother, father, grandmother, and grandfather. Her family is moving away to America, to leave the toxicity that was happening in her old school. Ever since Lila has this "rare disease" that makes her lie, it has become worse and worse than ever. Most of the kids in Marinette's class started to accuse her of some things that she didn't do. Pushing Lila down the stairs even though she was talking to Alya and Nino the whole time, stealing Lila's 'family heirloom' a fox pendant, she was busy doing some things as the class representative she never has time for things like that. Even her teacher was the worst of all. She keeps telling Marinette to apologize and be a better role model student. Hearing all of that crossed the family line. And if that wasn't bad enough, Marinette tells them that Adrien believes that Lila was REALLY lying the whole time ever since she first got here and suggested that they should take the high road and believe lies don't hurt anybody. Hearing that made Gina want to start attacking the boy. But they decided that it would be a stupid idea and stuck to something else in mind. They were glad that there were some kids that believed her and were on her side.

Her friend Alya did some fact-checking and deleted Lila's posts and posted an apology video about not fact-checking and swore that it will never happen again. Nino was with her through the whole fact-checking. Rose, Juleka, Ivan, and Mylene knew thanks to Luka and Jagged. Jagged told them that he doesn't know any Lila Rossi and never wrote a song about her or owned a cat. And Luka believes that Lila is using them and is making them puppets in her string. Not to mention her song was like nails scratching a chalkboard and the screams from a horror film both combined. Mylene's father even told them that the charities that Lila talked about were fake. He checked it himself. Rose asked Prince Ali about what Lila told her and he tells her that he doesn't know her and thanked her for telling him this and he's getting his lawyers to file some lawsuits against her and sending them all to her mother and father's emails. Alix and Nathaniel know about Lila and her lies since she tells them about knowing the comic writer of the Ladybug comics. But they know the writer, Marc Anciel. They started to avoid her since then. Including Marc. Zoe already knows because Lila claimed to know the Style Queen, but Zoe knows that was her and Chloe's mom. When she told Chloe and Sabrina that, Chloe started to rant crazily to their mom and her father, the mayor. Sabrina started to take after Chloe and told her dad about what happened.

After a while, Marinette's family decided that they should move away from the toxicity in College Francoise Dupont. Marinette agreed because she can't take the toxicity anymore. Tikki and the rest of the Kwamis couldn't blame her and agreed with the idea. Plagg tagged along since he was tired of Adrien's nonsense. He grabbed the black cat Miraculous while Adrien was asleep and left. Nooroo and Dusuu witnessed him leaving and did the same when Gabriel was asleep himself. Alya returned her Miraculous after hearing that the two missing Miraculouses were restored.

After pulling Marinette out of the school, Marinette started cleaning her locker out while her friends gave the resignation papers to Ms. Bustier. Marinette stepped down as the class representative and canceled every single thing she planned for the class. Her friends transferred classes away from the Akuma class. The teachers and their students couldn't blame them from what they've heard.

When Marinette told Su-Han about the Miraculous restoration, he was glad to know. But told her that he can't take them. Since he learned that Marinette is moving, he offers her a reward, which was keeping the Miraculouses and the Miracle Box. As well as telling her family about her hero's life. Since the missing Miraculouses are recovered, Marinette has the right to tell her family her secret. Marinette and the Kwamis are grateful for that, Marinette thanks him and they part their own ways. And Marinette told her family about her secret and the whole thing about the missing Miraculouses, they're surprised and relieved at the same time. Surprised that Marinette was Ladybug the whole time, and relieved that they don't have to deal with Shadow Moth and his Akumas anymore. After a while of telling them, her family accepts Marinette and the Kwamis and they're happy.

After saying her goodbyes to her friends, she and her family left. Her friends were upset about hearing that Marinette is moving, but they know that it was for the best. They don't want to see her suffer anymore. During the next couple of days, Adrien asked Nino where Marinette was and when he told him that Marinette moved away because of what the class and Ms. Bustier did, Adrien was stunned and felt like his heart was shattering worse than ever. Adrien kept calling and texting Marinette, but he never reached her. He started to become worried and desperate. He told his father about what happened, and Gabriel was both shocked and surprised. It was the first time that his son was very desperate over a friend. He chose to try to help his son calm down instead of trying to find the Butterfly Brooch and Peacock Pin. Nathalie couldn't blame him since seeing Adrien stressed and desperate so much, makes her feel very bad.

Meanwhile, Marinette and her family are happy that she's free from toxicity. And since Nooroo and Dusuu and the missing Miraculouses are found and restored, the world became Marinette's oyster. As she relaxed while listening to some songs that her two cousins recommended to her, she thought to herself, 'Today, is going to be a Miraculous Day.'

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