Arc 2 Chapter 5: Who is King and Who is the Horse

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Horikita POV

"You're utter trash, Horikita. Why can't you see that? You think you're soooooo brilliant, soooo smart, yet you're always three steps behind me. Hell, you can't even measure up to Gang Leader-kun. Class D is MY throne."

With those parting remarks, I saw a black blur shoot toward my face, putting an end to my pain.

I woke up with a start, panting hard and shivering. I felt something wet hit my hand and realized that it was coming from the sweat dripping down my face. Glancing around, I saw that I was in someone's bed, still clad in my uniform. Was that all a nightmare? Dream? Flashback? I'm not sure. The thoughts are all hazy and muddled.

Where am I? Did I get kidnapped?

I flipped the blankets aside, attempting to get out of bed when a sharp pain hit me. Doubling over, I clenched my teeth, holding inside the screams and tears; it felt like my organs were getting shredded inside of me. Gingerly, I pulled up my uniform, only to see that there was nothing there; just creamy skin with no blemishes or bruises.

Tap tap tap.

The noise seemed to be coming from the kitchen. Whoever made it was probably my kidnapper. No matter. They only succeeded in kidnapping me because they most definitely used underhanded methods. If it's a fair one-on-one, I'll win for sure, even in this condition. Then, when I call the police and get on the news, Nee-sama will recognize my talents for sure.

I readied myself, preparing to beat the shit out of whoever dared to do this to me. However, seeing the cheery face that popped out from around the corner, confusion arose. Through countless questions and suspicions, I managed to croak out:

"Kushida-san? Why are you here?"


This is absolute madness. First Yamauchi has to act like he's king and be a pain. But then he starts skipping class and ruins Class D further? Unacceptable. I pity you, Yamauchi. Had you just minded your own business, I could've left you to do whatever you wanted while I ascended to Class A. But now, you've meddled with my plans. It's time to acquire my trump card. Your time has come.

Reaching the teacher's lounge, I paused for a moment, composing my thoughts before entering.

"Pardon the intrusion," I announced, "Is Chabashira-sensei here?"

"Hoh? Horikita-san? What brings you here?" Chabashira-sensei replied, coming around the corner holding a cup of coffee in her hand.

"I'd like to speak to you in private if that's ok."

"You may. Come into my office. We'll talk there."

After closing the door behind me, Chabashira-sensei beckoned for me to take a seat on the grey couch across from hers.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

"No thank you."

"Looks like someone isn't in the mood for small talk."

"It's a very urgent matter so I hope you can understand Sensei."

"Sigh. Very well. What is it that you want to discuss?"

"The midterms."

"What about them?"

"How was it possible for Yamauchi-kun to get 103s in all subjects and for Koenji-kun to get all 101s?!"

"It is completely possible for them to get such high scores."

"Are you sure they didn't cheat?"

"I am sure. What they did complies with the rules of ANHS."

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