Arc 2 Chapter 2 (Rewritten): He Returns

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Yamagod POV

Walking down the corridors of ANHS for the first time in weeks, I felt stares and whispers pointed at me. As I walked past, laughter became hushed whispers of gossip, rumors, and speculation. My footsteps against the concrete floor felt especially lonely. Internally sighing, I decided to hasten my pace, even though being in Class D wouldn't be much better.

"Oi, whatchu doing here?"

Turning around, I was greeted by Red-Hair-kun's face, mere inches from mine. He scowled, fists clenched, acting as if he could and would beat me up. What a joke!

"I'm attending class, whatever do you mean?"

"Stop with that crap. You haven't been here for weeks. You only come to class when you're required to."

"Uhh, ok, and? During these weeks, I was busy meditating but now, I have finally reached enlightenment, meaning that I can attend classes! Praise me!"

That was far from reality. What led me to attend class was that Kushida threatened to expose me if I didn't attend. It was a very equivocal comment, but I could care less. She looked cute when saying all that, so I let it slide. But, her reasoning was quite sound. I'm so proud of myself for choosing such a useful loyal slave *ahem* I mean ally.

I smirked slightly as I recalled the events that transpired the previous day.


"Neh, Yamauchi-kun."

"What is it?"

"You better attend class starting tomorrow, alright?"

"What?! That's ridiculous. Just being in a room with those idiots threatens the safety and sanctity of my IQ."

"Ok, but a lot of them are talking shit about you. I tried to play it down as much as I could, but I can only hold them back so much."

"That's fine, I don't care. I could beat all of them combine in both a physical or mental confrontation anyways."

"Dummy! Don't you get it? What if there was a special event where everyone could gang up on you to expel you, huh? One where that big head of yours won't do anything? Have you thought about that, genius?"

Hmmmm. On second thought, she might not be wrong. Surely the school wouldn't just assess us in only tests and quizzes. There might be another factor involved, like a game of hide-and-seek or some kind of battle-royale format event where classes compete against each other for class points or something. In that case, the greater the reward, the greater the punishment. If the school's fine with dishing out expulsions for a failing grade, I can't begin to imagine what punishments are served for failing these extracurricular events. In the unlikely scenario that Class D banded together to expel me, I myself might not even be able to overturn it. Per se, if it were a situation where one person has to get voted off the island and therefore expelled from ANHS for the rest to advance, my fellow classmates wouldn't hesitate to write my name down. Damn. Can't believe I have to actually be nice to "people" with the IQ of snails.

A pair of ruby eyes entered my vision, breaking my train of thought.

"So, smartass, you understand now?"

"Yes, I get it I get it. Now can you get off my case now?"

"Hmph. Fine."

~Back to Present~

"You think I'd believe an excuse like that huh?"

"Well, yes."

"You—" Red-Hair-kun, perhaps too dumb to even notice how supreme I was, launched his right fist at me. I think he was aiming to knock me out with that punch, but having such little power and speed behind it, I wasn't sure.

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