Chapter 3: Encounter

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV

Lately, Yamauchi has been skipping every single class that we have. Every. Single. Day. For the past four days, he hasn't even shown up to school once. None of our classmates seem to care, and only a few people even pay attention in class.

What's suspicious about this whole thing is that Chabashira-sensei hasn't even spoken a word about this. She just acts as if Yamauchi doesn't even exist, going about her lessons as usual.

Now, I could believe it if he was just holing up in his room playing video games, but I frequently saw him roaming the campus.

So, one day, I decided to tail him. I caught sight of him as I was walking towards Keyaki Mall. It seemed that he was tailing a third-year student.

Quietly, a followed behind him, making sure to not lose sight of him but keeping enough distance between us so that on the off chance that he does spot me, I can pass it off as a coincidence.

He turned the corner, going behind an empty building. Following quickly, I reached the building and took a glance over, spotting Yamauchi sneakily eavesdropping on the third year, who was surprisingly meeting up with a second-year student.

"Oi, I got all the info Nagumo wanted. I assume you're here to collect it for him?"

"Ah yes. But first, before we finish this transaction, I must verify all the information that you have acquired."

"Fine, take a look."

Saying this, the third-year student pulled out his phone and gave it to the second year. After some time, the second year nodded his head in satisfaction and handed the phone back.

"Well, it seems that you have upheld your end of the bargain. I will inform Nagumo to send you the points now."

"Hey hey hey, don't do that now."

I looked at Yamauchi, who was now sauntering over to the duo. Seeing him, their eyes both narrowed in suspicion.

"Who are you?" The second year demanded.

"I'm Yamauchi Haruki from first year Class D, pleased to meet you senpais. Typically, I don't allow people to call me this during our first interaction, but I'm feeling generous today, so I will bestow upon you two the ability to call me, Yamagod."

"Pfft. Get lost first-year, or we'll beat you up for eavesdropping."

"Now now, don't get ahead of yourself, I haven't even finished yet."

Sawing this, Yamauchi pulled out his phone, which was probably recording everything, and presented it to the two. Seeing this, they both took a step back.

"Now, let me explain the predicament that you two are in. First, you senpai, are selling out your class for private points. If it is revealed that you betrayed them, then I believe that your expulsion will be set in stone. Secondly," he said, turning to the second year, "you're running an errand for Nagumo, aren't you? Probably doing so to get on his good side or something. But, how will he react if he finds out that you failed, at the hands of a Class D first year, no less."

"What the hell? Are you really someone from Class D? I don't believe that you are."

"You are free to believe whatever you want, Senpai. But the fact still stands that I could ruin your lives in a second. Oh, I don't even try to beat me up and take my phone. I already have another person on call with me who was been recording the entire conversation as well. So, even if you delete it from my end, you're still stuck in a sinkhole."

Amazing. I can tell that this is not something he thought up of in the moment, clearly, this is something that he has meticulously thought out and prepared for. His deductive skills are impeccable as well, being able to deduce that much just from a simple conversation.

Yamauchi Haruki, you clearly are no regular man.

Yamagod POV

After I finished wringing out the third and second year, which I made them pay me 2.5 million private points each, I decided to address the person stalking me.

Wait. Could it be? My first high school confession?!

That thought alone made me internally blush. Clearing my head, I knew that this was no confession.

"I would advise against you leaving," I called out.

I felt the person stop in their tracks.

Turning the corner, I was greeted by:

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Hmm, it seems like my suspicions are correct, he is truly an enigmatic and powerful individual. Sigh, now I have to change my nickname for him. What a pain.

But, if it wasn't for his sudden movement when I made them fork over the points, I would've never been able to detect him.

"What do you want?" He asked, calm and composed. Damn, what a poker face. With a face like that, he could get away with lying about anything, whether it's daydreaming about thighs or committing a murder.

"Well, I just wanted to say hi. It's not every day that I see someone as interesting as you. But of course, no matter how strong you are, you will never be as strong as me, the Yamagod!" I said, spreading my arms out as a grand gesture.

"Huh." He did not seem impressed. Talk about rude.

"Hmm, say, Poker Face-kun, why do you hide your talents? If you displayed them, you would definitely be popular with the ladies."

"I just want to live a peaceful life."

"Huh, I can understand that, I guess. Very well, I will not press you for any more information. However, would you be fine with lending me a hand from time to time? Of course, I'm not asking you to move mountains for me. Just a little something here and there. And don't worry, I'll cover for you, so all of your actions will be passed off as mine."

"Sigh, very well then, just don't expect too much from me."

"Of course not, but let's exchange contact information before we go."


And with that, I have acquired my very first follower.

Yamagod total Private Points: 10,509,757

(Other 2 mil was from minor extortions he did over the past few days)

Yamagod Doesn't Hold BackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz