Ball of Silence - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The next day, we climb into Vic's small fishing boat and he drives us out to sea. His outboard engine roars like a monster; unbearable without the crystal.

Three whales cross our path, as we skipper along the coast, one a bit too close for my taste. The huge beast swims alongside for a moment. Then it dives, its giant rear fluke splashing the waters and rocking our boat.

"Nice!" Vic says. "Usually they don't come so close. Maybe he hears your crystal, too."

I shudder. "Hell, I hope he doesn't."

"They're bigger than the Old Earth whales," Vic says. "They're the biggest whale species in all the ninety-five planets of the Unity, I heard."

I hope the beast won't mistake our boat for a playmate.

We sail on to a small island offshore called Bird's Paradise. Dozens of species of birds fly around the rock, each one weirder and prettier than the next. Thanks to the crystal, the birds' screeching is beautiful, not ugly. I love my ball.

The birds are a bit tame, or rather unafraid of humans. They accept food from Sina. She holds pieces of bread between her fingertips and the birds snatch them in flight. Sina squeals in delight as the birds snatch the bread in ever more daring maneuvers. I love her more than ever as she enjoys the moment.

         In the evening, we walk through the quiet town to Vic's house and he introduces his wife Aima and his kids. His wife is a few years older than he is. The two look so content and happy that I envy them. They have two wonderful boys of ten and seven, Ken and Dean.

I normally avoid children due to their high noise level. But Flin gets along great with them, being half a kid himself. Ken and Dean are all over him and beg him to play one more card game with them, only one more game, and one more.

Vic's house is sturdy and rustic like the Grand Central of Dokes. Everything is made from wood and stone. Pictures of beaches and palm trees cover the walls; Vic has painted them after a visit to a tropical island in Shuslam's equatorial region.

Vic's modest study has the only computer in the whole house. He, his family, and all the people of Dokes lead simple and natural lives and I envy them. 

We leave a little past midnight and walk under the midnight sun back to our shuttle. The sun hangs low in the sky, partly hidden behind a few clouds. The endless twilight and the rainbow-colored sky look breathtaking.

The next day, while Vic is in Cleves working, we walk and fish. I keep the crystal with me at all times, so aware of how much it helps me. Flin manages to catch a two-foot long fish and makes a big show out of killing it, disemboweling it, and teasing Sina with the gore. Flin's fish-paella tastes excellent.

On Wednesday morning, Vic returns from the lab with good news. "The seismology guy, Dom Halif, is intrigued by your story. He agreed to talk to Hriff about it. The military won't know."

"Oh, that's great, Vic, thanks so much." Relieved, I pat his shoulder. "Step one in 'Jaiah meets a Rel' is accomplished."

Vic laughs at that.

We fly back to Shuslam's space station, as planned. Sina and I spend an exceptionally hot night in my cabin, sex-starved after so many days of celibacy.

On Friday noon, Priar, Flin, and I fly back down to the planet, leaving Sina on the ship.

We land on the gravel field next to Dokes at nightfall and wait for Saturday morning and news from Vic.

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