Chapter 20. An "argument" gone sideways(Pt.2)

Depuis le début

   I climb in the passenger side, buckling in. "Alright, now are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" He asks as he turns his car on. I sniffle and clear my throat, fighting the tears that are trying to fall. "Spencer and I broke up a couple hours ago." I croak. "You're kidding?" He scoffs, only making me roll my eyes. "Derek I wouldn't have yelled at you if I were kidding." I retort, anger bubbling in my chest. "Jeez man, I'm so sorry." He sighs, "Shit happens. Nothing I can do about it." I state dryly, the tears finally going away. "Something's not right. That just doesn't sound like him. He loves you" Derek mumbles, speaking his thoughts aloud. "Derek. Just stop. I'm only working this case to get my mind off of it. Let's just drop it." I hiss, emptiness filling my voice. The car ride is dead silent, the only noise is the quiet music he has on the radio. "I love this song omg." I laugh weakly, turning up the music. "Seriously? That's the last thing I'd expect from you" He laughs, bobbing his head to the music. "Uh, it's flo rida homie, this song is the fucking best!" I shout, "Really, Low by Flo Rida is your favorite song?" He chuckles, "Duh! Man I'm that hottest on the dance floor when this song comes on" I giggle, the sadness slowly disappearing. "Well then, guess I'll take you up on that." He laughs. "Oh my god! We should all go out and get drinks after the case!" I squeal, a smile on my face ear to ear. "Slow your roll kid, let's get this case done first" He smiles, as we pull into the parking lot. "I really appreciate you." I sigh, walking beside him, "Oh really? I mean you rambling about the whole team and I before you died with me right there wasn't enough appreciation?" He teases. "I'm serious Derek, you're like a big brother to me, and I really appreciate you." I retort with a small smile, "I appreciate you too, kid. You're in a race with my sisters but you're definitely like a little sister." He chuckles as we walk up the jet stairs. I walk to the girls, they're sitting together but at a different table. Derek and I part ways, as he goes to sit with Hotch, Rossi, and Spencer. "Well you look better" JJ points out, "You know, a bit of carpooling with agent Morgan isn't the worst." I laugh, moving the arm rest in between the two seats so I can spread my legs out. "Oh! I also wanted to know if you guys were up for a night out at a bar with Derek and I. I'm gonna try and convince Hotch and Rossi." I ask, looking at the girls with hope. "I'm down, a few drinks doesn't sound bad" Emily snorts, and JJ agrees with a nod. "Sweet!" I exclaim, the rest of the nasty feelings leaving my body. I lay my head back, staring at the ceiling of the jet. "Penny for your thoughts?" I look over to see Rossi is the corporate of the question. "Just thinkin." I sigh, "It's not your fault kid." I furrow my brows confused about what he's saying, "What?" He looks at me with a serious look, "It's not your fault, and it isn't his." I sit up quickly, frantic from his words. "Dave, what do you know?" I panic, "Strauss made him. I won't tell you anymore than that." I hang my mouth open, the girls and I sharing a shocked stare. "Thank you Dave." I smile weakly, turning back around to face the girls. "Fucking Strauss." I scowl, using my hands to hold my face.

Spencer's POV

   I stare at my book, not even reading, just my thoughts flooding my mind. God last night went horribly. I didn't want to hurt her, but I don't want her to lose her job either. God I hate when my hands are tied. "What's goin through your mind, Reid?" I look up, seeing Morgan placing his headphones on the table. "Y/N.." I sigh quietly, regret filling my stomach. "Listen kid, I don't know why you did it. But she's heart broken. It may not seem like it, but it took her and I to argue before she broke down." He answers, a pained look covering my face. "Oh god.. What did I do.." I groan, rubbing my face with my hands. "It wasn't my choice! I had to.." I say through my hands, "What? Reid, you're losin me" I take a deep breath, anxiety and guilt traveling through my body. "Chief Strauss. She said if we don't separate she's going to take her gun and badge." He gives me an annoyed look, "Reid she can't fire her without Hotch's permission. She can fire him, but not her, that's his call." My jaw drops at his words, "So she's just out for her?" I groan, feeling even more guilty. "Looks like it, Strauss has been since day one." He answers. I look over at the girl, a smile on her face as she talks to JJ and Emily, but I can see straight through her. Her body language and sudden change in behavior shows she's trying to ignore her feelings. She's out of her character, and it's all because of me. I hurt her, how could I do that? "Reid, you're staring" Morgan teases, waving his hand in front of my face. "I know.. It's all my fault. How could I do that?" I repeat my thoughts, "You didn't know kid. Your feelings took over and you couldn't do your nerd thing you always do." He reassures, but it still doesn't make me feel any better. I look back at her. Her eyes glistening from the slight sunlight, her skin glowing, the way her hair falls gently on her shoulders. Yep, I'm a creep. "Morgan, I think I'm gonna stay at the station for this case." I state, as the jet lands on the ground. "Alright, but if you change your mind just tell me." I nod at his words.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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