Chapter 11. Communication.

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   It's been about a month since the whole hospital fiasco. Thankfully the team hasn't made it an issue for Spencer, still treating him as the person before, and I love that for him. Spencer and I are sitting at my desk talking with JJ and Emily, "Oh my god! Spence, you have to show Y/N your Mr. Genius magic trick!" JJ snorts, while both girls walk over to us. "Magic trick? Oh god, he has more of those?" I groan dramatically, turning to face my boyfriend. "Okay okay, so you take a film canister, and.." He pauses, turning around to face us. "You have to turn around and close your eyes." He states, "Just do it, it's worth it" JJ snorts and both girls turn around, I follow their lead. I hear Spencer doing something to the film canister. "Okay, turn back around." The look in his eyes is so innocent, and exciting. "And it should do this.." He finishes. "Watch, it's gonna hit Hotch, like it always does. And sure enough as soon as Hotch walks through the double glass doors the film canister rocket hits him in the shoulder. I can see the fear in Spencer's eyes. I can't help but laugh with the girls. I can tell that this has happened before, but the look on Hotch's face is something I've never seen before. He's laughing, his face is full of joy. I stand there dumbfounded, watching the man walk to his office. "Did... Did everyone see that?" I ask, smacking JJ lightly with the back of my hand. My eyes still not leaving Hotch's office. "See what?" Emily asks, confused with my look. "He laughed, guys. He laughed, and seemed happy." I state, finally turning to the three. "Oh, it happens very seldomly, but it does happen." JJ says with a big smile on her face.

"I'm so sorry to break you're guys happy little moment but we have a case." Penelope says walking to the meeting room. We all smile at each other pleased. I mean I'm not complaining, it's our first case in a while. We all walk to the round table, I sit between Spencer and Emily. "Okay, so this is a recurring case we've been dealing with." Penny says with a heavy sigh. "Over the past 5 years we've been dealing with the unsub that rapes and kills women. Keeping them for a week and disposing them back at their house. In the past month there's been 4 women raped and murdered, disposed at their house, just like everytime. The only difference is our unsub has changed his preference in women." After Penny's sentence we all look at eachother, with confusion. This normally never happens in a case, and if it does it's very rare. "Well, what's the change?" Hotch asks, breaking Penny from her daze on me. "Well, you'll notice that he's been picking women with long blonde hair, and similar features. The 4 victims' ages are 19, 21, 23, and 24." I hear a heavy sigh leave the woman's lips before continuing. "The women are severely beaten and raped. One of our victims was pregnant before she died." I look at Penny who seems mortified to even look at the pictures on the screen. "Alright wheels up in 30." Hotch states, we all walk out of the meeting room to grab our go bags.

"Hey babe," I sigh leaning against Spencer's desk. "Hi hon." He says standing up, with his go bag in his hand. "Are we driving together?" I walk beside him, waiting for the man to answer. "Do you care if I go with Morgan? He wants to talk to me about something" I nod at his words while we walk in the elevator. It's awkwardly quiet in the elevator, which is weird. Spence and I always talk about something. The elevator dings and we go our separate ways. I go to Emily and JJ. "Hey Ems, do you mind if I ride with you guys?" I huff, my mind still concentrated on Spencer's behavior. "Yeah, hop in the back" She opens that back door for me, and hops in the front. I climb in the back, getting situated and lean against the window.

Me: Hey, are you okay?

Spencer: Yeah, just riding to the jet with Morgan. Why?

Me: Idk, you just seem off. Are you sure everything's okay?

Spencer: Yes, love. Everything is fine.

Spencer's POV.

"Spencer, why did you want to talk to me?" Morgan says while climbing into the van. "You seem like the best person to talk to about women." I state, folding my hands together. "Oh? Is something wrong with you and Y/N?" He asks before pulling out of the parking garage. "No no, nothing's wrong. I just have some questions." I sigh, bouncing my leg. "Mhm, well what's going on in your head, pretty boy?" I look at him for a moment before staring back at my hands. "Everything's going great, the only thing I'm having issues with is.." I pause, taking a deep breath. "Morgan, I want to start going on dates with her, and taking her to nice places. But I don't know how to ask her... or anything like that!" I groan, leaning my head against the headrest of the seat. I hear him laugh next to me, "What's so funny!" I whine, "Look kid, all you have to do is talk to her. Ask her things, find out her favorite places. And just be you. We already know she loves you for you." He laughs once more. "Oh.. Right," I sigh, putting my face in my hands. "Man, for someone with a 180 IQ.. It sure does go down fast for a girl." I roll my eyes at his comment.

The sound of a glass wall. (Spencer Reid x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now