Chapter 14. Our family dinner.

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"Penelope Garcia! Get your ass downstairs! We're gonna be late!" I shout from the kitchen, holding two wine bottles. "You're so impatient! I'm coming! Jesus!" I hear her run downstairs. I walk towards the door, "You're driving, let's go!" I yell, opening the door with my sister not too far behind. I sit the wine bottles in the cooler that's sitting in the backseat. I jump into the passenger seat, "Alright, everything's set, let's move" I state, buckling my seatbelt. "Sometimes I regret getting you that job" She snorts, driving out of our driveway. "And why's that?" I gasp, "Because you've become quite bossy, if I do say so." She retorts back. I gasp dramatically, slumping into the seat. "Me? Bossy? Never!" I laugh, "Remember though, I get most of it from you!" I laugh harder, holding my stomach. "You're so lucky I love you!" She snorts. Both of us laughing harder than seconds before. Tears streaming down my face, I feel my face heat up as I try to catch my breath. "I hate to break this moment short sweets, but we're here." I sit up in the seat, breathing as much air as I can. "Okay, I'll get the cooler" I huff, walking to the back seat. I grab the cooler and walk beside Penny to Rossi's front door. She knocks on the door, "Rossi hurry! This cooler's heavy!" I shout. Finally he opens the door. "Alright ladies, right through this way." He waves his hand to lead us to the kitchen. "Guess who's here!" Penny shouts walking into the living room, In response I hear kids scream. I put the cooler on the floor, pulling out the wine bottles sitting them on the counters. "Thanks kid, I'll take the rest from here." Rossi puts his hand on the top of my shoulder, making me wince just a bit. "Oh, right I'm sorry" He chuckles letting go. I walk into the living room to everyone. I see a blonde little boy running around, and a little bit older boy with brunette hair running with him. "Oh! Oh! Guys! This is your aunt Y/N!" Penny squeals, rushing the boys over to me. "Uncle Spencer said that you have wicked stitches to show us!" Jack shouts, standing next to Henry. "Oh right!" I roll up my tee-shirt sleeve showing the boys the bright blue stitches. "Woahh!" Henry shouts, walking closer to my shoulder. "Those are wicked!" Jack states, staring in amazement. "Yeah, a guy shot me. And the nurse let me pick out this!" I shout, rolling my sleeve down and fist bumping the boys. "Y/N! You should play hide n seek with us!" Jack says, pulling my arm. "Okay! I'll play! Go hide!" I exclaim covering my eyes. I hear the boys running around, giggling and trying to find a place to hide. "You're really good with kids Y/N, Will and I should ask you to babysit so we can go out" JJ snorts, locking hands with her husband. "I don't mind, I can watch both the boys if you want" I smile, standing up to look for the boys. "Okay! Ready or not, here I come!" I shout.

I creep around one of the hallways, I hear the boys quietly giggling. "Boys~ I'm an agent I do this for a living" I coo, turning in the room I hear the giggling from. "Are you... Under the bed!" I shout looking under the bed. I look over to the closet, seeing that it's slightly open. "Hmm, where could two boys hide in this big house." I state, tepping my finger on my chin. I walk out of the room, pretending that they're safe and can leave the stuffy closet. I hear the closet creep open, hearing shuffling feet across the carpet. I press against the wall, getting ready to scare the boys when I hear them run back into the closet. I turn back into the bedroom. "Okay I caught you, but you totally dodge me. I was trying to scare you!" I groan, putting my hand on the closet door knob. "Okay I wi-" I cut my sentence off the scream, Spencer, Jack, and Henry all pile on me. "Jesus! Get off me! You guys are heavy!" I laugh, kicking my feet. They get off me, full of laughter, Jack and Henry fist bump each other. "God, I hate playing hide n seek with you guys. That was completely unfair." I laugh, standing up. "Oh come on! You have to admit that it was super funny!" Jack whines, grabbing a hold of my hand. I shake my head dramatically. "Nope, you guys didn't even scare me" I protest, walking down the hallway with both boy's hands locked with mine. "Pft, yeah right! Guys you totally heard her scream. We 100% scared her." Spencer snorts, I whip my head around to glare at him. " "I surrender! Yield!" He shouts running downstairs with the boys following behind him. I roll my eyes and laugh at their behavior. I walk down the stairs to see everyone waiting for me at the table. "Whoops.." I say, walking over to everyone. "Y/N! Sit between Henry and I!" Jack says waving me over. "That's very sweet Jack, but I'm gonna sit with your uncle Spencer" I say sweetly. "Awe man.." Henry and Jack groan in unison. I sit down next to my brunette boyfriend, which leaves me to also sit next to Henry, which the little boy seems to be excited about. "Alright family, let's dig in!" Rossi exclaims, and everyone piles food on their plate, I wait so it's not so crowded. "Okay, so please tell me why Y/N doesn't speak half the time!" Derek chuckles, waiting for everyone to answer. "Well, your answer for that handsome is, she's an awkward person but maybe she doesn't talk to you because you pick on her!" Penny teases, making everyone laugh. I take a sip on my wine, to feel a tiny hand pull on my shirt sleeve. "Hm? What's wrong Henry?" I whisper leaning towards the boy. "I'm tired and full.. Can we sit on the couch and you read me a book? Please" The boy begs, "Yes honey, just give me two seconds." I smile, I watch the boy sluggishly walk over to the couch, I stand up and follow behind him. "Alright, get comfy" I coo, letting the boy weasel himself into me.

The sound of a glass wall. (Spencer Reid x Fem reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora