Chapter 15. The wrong suspect.

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   The crisp fall air hitting my face as I run, the wind whistling in my ears, the sound of my feet hitting the concrete. I stop and sit on a bench to breathe. "Okay, I need a moment." I huff, and take a drink of my water. "Come on, we're FBI agents!" JJ states sitting next to me. "I've barely been on the team for 6 months. I'm basically a couch potato when not on the job. Give me a break" I groan, slumping into the bench. We both sit taking deep breaths, trying to calm down from the long run. "Y/N Garcia?" I see boots step in front of me, "That's me" I say, sitting up to face the man. "You're under arrest for the murders of 5 women, we can do this the easy way. Stand up and let us take you to the station." The man's face is down turned, he seems angry. "Sir, we are FBI agents part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit." JJ says, standing up, but the man cuts her off. "I don't care, we have evidence connecting her to the murders and we're taking her in." He turns me around, slapping cuffs on my hands. "JJ, call the team. I guess I'll see you guys soon" I roll my eyes, as the officer leads me into his car. I sit down, waiting for him to get out of the parking lot. "So can you tell me what 'evidence' you have of me murdering women?" I ask, leaning forward. "You'll find out when the detective interrogates you. Now stop talking." I scoff at his words. "You know, you have a lot of balls to treat an agent like this. Trust me, my boss will have your job and your ass." I growl. This man ha a lot of fucking nerve. "I said stop talking" He shouts, "I heard you the first time. Trust me, I know my rights. I catch some crazy people." I scoff.

   We finally get to the station, the officer pulls me out of the car and drags me to the interrogation room. I stand in the empty room. "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on!" I scream. "I can." A man roughly in his 40s walks in, throwing a file on the table. "Seriously. I'm not a fucking psycho." I state, still standing in the same spot. "Sit down. We have a lot to talk about." The man sits down, patting the file. "So you're the motherfucker that's accusing me?" I growl, sitting down in front of him. "No, but I'm the one questioning you." He opens the file, and turns it around. "Do you know any of these women?" I look at the pictures, tears brimming my eyes when I look at the last one. "Is this some kind of sick joke?!" I shout as the tears stream down my face. "No, it's not." I stare at the man in disbelief. "Candice Brandt. She died 5 years ago due to suicide. She was my best friend. These other girls I haven't seen since college. I'm not answering any more questions until I talk to someone on my team." I spit, tears rolling down my face. The detective gets up, leaving me alone, "You guys have some fucking nerve! It better be Rossi that walks in here!" I cry. Rossi's the only one that knows about Candie, maybe he'll help. I hear a knock at the door. "Hey kid.. I'll give you a second to calm down and then we'll talk, okay?" He sits down in front of me, his expression is calm yet he seems upset. "Rossi, I didn't do anything, I swear! They're accusing me of killing Candie! I told you what happened! You have to help me, I don't know what to do.." I sob, laying my head against the table. "I know, but what the detective is telling the team, he's saying you're borderline psychotic, that you're manipulative, and do the killings when you aren't around anyone." Rossi states, leaning forward. "I've either been with Spencer, the team, or Penny. One, how would I have the chance to kill anyone, let alone kill someone 5 years ago and then randomly start again. Two, I'm an agent who puts people in this room away! Why the fuck would I join the FBI if I were some crazy bitch killing people!" The once falling tears of sadness, turn into ones of anger. "God damnit! I didn't do anything! Don't go searching into my life just because of something someone's accusing me of!" I scream, getting out of my chair. "I think I know who can calm you down, and definitely relate to you." With that he leaves the room, leaving me with the frustration I have. I lean my head against the wall, letting the cold cool me down. "Stupid son of a bitch." I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Ouch, didn't know you had it out for me like that princess" I turn around quickly to see Derek standing in front of the doorway. "Morgan!" I hug him tightly. "Woah woah! Take a breath, let's sit down and talk." He sighs, pulling away from the hug. I sit down, taking a deep breath so my tears fade away. "I know you don't want us profiling you, they have to do what they need to. They did it for me when I was being accused. Now, do you have any idea what's going on?" He asks, looking through the file. "The first victim died 5 years ago, but she killed herself. His name is Candice Brandt. She was my best friend, I watched her jump off of a cliff 5 years ago.. I was the one who called the police, I was the one that told her parents. These other girls I haven't seen since college." I sigh, keeping my eyes away from the pictures. "They all died at the same cliff. The same way, except there's a bullet shot wound through the head." He shows me the pictures of the other girls, pointing at their heads. "Now is there anyone you know that hates you or might have known you in college?" My stomach turns, flashbacks flooding my head.

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