34 - I Love You

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Mana watched in horror as her character was submerged in lava.
Regina kicked her feet, laughing hysterically at the sudden devastating unfolding situation in Minecraft.

Mana had been mining, bragging about how she was 'amazing' and 'unbeatable', seconds before falling down a giant ravine into lava, incinerating her valuables and enchanted armour.
In a sudden cruel twist of fate, as Regina slowly adjusted herself after her coughing fit, a creeper had snuck up on her character in the game. The poor blonde could not so much as blink before hearing the loud 'bang' followed by the death screen.

Now it was Mana's turn to laugh.

"Y'know, maybe we should go play outside," Regina said in a 'calm manner'. Her red face and clenched fists showed her frustration.
Mana shrugged and switched off the Xbox. Then she stood up and stretched before tying her pink hair into a bun.

"Come on then, sulky," Mana said with a smile, now looking down at her girlfriend, "let's go play outside."
Mana held her hand out towards the still-seated Regina, whom had now begun to blush. Slowly, she put her hand in the Pinkette's.

In the blink of an eye, Regina was pulled to her feet, the force of which leaving her flustered, especially with how well her feet had planted to the floor.
That was of course until Mana had performed the ultimate dip kiss on her, leaving Regina to kick one of her legs in the air.
"Hey..." Mana began, "cheer up, did you forget what day it is?"

Regina looked into Mana's sparkling magenta eyes, too flustered to even speak.

"It's our anniversary!" Mana answered for her with a smile.
"B-but Mana isn't that in May?" Regina responded, still flustered.
"I mean the anniversary of us becoming friends!"

Before Regina could speak again, Mana pressed her lips to hers again in another passionate kiss.
Then she began to giggle.
"You're never this flustered honey~ did that dip-kiss fluster you a little?"
Regina nodded.
Mana smirked in response, and grabbed her hand, taking her downstairs.

Luckily, the two were already well dressed for the day to come.
Mana was clad in a white and black shirt with a blue denim skirt and black tights.
Regina wore a grey and red pinafore dress with black arm warmers and white tights.

"Mana sweetheart, here's your basket," Mana's mother called out, holding out a large straw basket.
Mana gently took the basket, bowing her head as a thank you.
"I've made sure you have everything you need." She added with a wink.
Mana responded with a smile and wrapped her arms around her mother, before taking the still fumbling Regina out of the house.

Regina carefully moved behind Mana, the couple hand in hand.
The blonde didn't want to admit it out loud, but she was really relying on Mana.
Her vision had grown fuzzy, and her body had begun to feel weak.
Even her brain didn't feel like it was operating like normal.
'Maybe if I have some food...' she thought to herself, assuming the cause of her dizziness was due to a lack of eating.

"We're here!" Mana proclaimed, letting go of her girlfriend's hand and stretching them out, showing a beautiful plains with a small pond nearby. In the middle of the pond proudly stood an old torii gate.
A nearby tree that covered part of the pond made the sight truly photogenic.

The pinkette giggled to herself in excitement. She then skipped towards the tree, Regina in tow.
Mana was in a blissful state, having time with just her lover in a beautiful location on the anniversary of their friendship.
It hadn't yet occurred to her that Regina had been notably quiet.

First, Mana set down the checkered cloth onto the grass, then after sitting down, she began unpacking the food.
Regina took a seat next to Mana, holding her hand.

There was the light smell of iron in the air. However both girls assumed that the smell was somehow coming off of the wooden torii gate.
After brushing away that thought, both girls began to eat.
Regina bit into a blueberry pie, and for a few blissful seconds, her physical problems disappeared. Maybe it was all just because she was hungry.

The blonde had consumed at least three slices of pie and a full chicken and stuffing sandwich before deciding she was full.

Mana had already eaten two bags of crisps, four slices of pizza, a sandwich and a slice of pie, and somehow she was still eating.
Regina found herself giggling lightly, which in turn made Mana raise her eyebrow.
"What's so funny?" She asked.
"You can just be so dorky," Regina said with a smile, "it's adorable."

Mana blushed and after swallowing her food was about to kiss her girlfriend, leaning over and putting her hand on her stomach, when the latter suddenly cried in pain.

"What's wrong?!" Mana asked, immediately alarmed.
Regina only let out a whimper.
Mana felt a warm wetness on her hand. When she moved it away to inspect it, she was horrified to see it was blood.

Mana began to panic as Regina whimpered softly.
"Y-you're going to be okay, you hear me?! I love you...!" She cried.
The pinkette tried desperately to find a way to move her suffering lover. However the slightest movement caused her to cry in agony, which sent daggers through Mana's heart.

Eventually, Regina's whimpers and cries began to soften, and the tight grip she had on Mana's arm grew weak.

"No... stay with me..." Mana begged, her voice hoarse from crying.


"143 Cycles..."

"Sir, the results over the course of the samsara have come in."

A masked man with white hair and a white cloak stood by a window, looking out into the city. He turned to face the young woman who had entered the room.
"Thank you, Haypasia. If I wasn't so focused on researching these... Precure girls, I would have done the research myself."
The man spoke with a sultry yet commanding voice, perhaps with a hint of a cockney accent.
"And how is that coming along?" Haypasia asked.
"Oh I think it's coming along quite well. My experiment is a success, and now it seems that our project is closer to completion than ever." The man chuckled sinisterly.
"I'll tell the ministry about your progress, Doctor."

Afterword - A Doki Doki Precure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now