Prologue(RE Create)

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Chapter 0.

Long ago, Cybertronians lived in relative peace, the echoes of the Fallen's defeat still reverberating through their society. Among them, Indominus, also known as Deathbringer, lived in seclusion with his mate, Zora, and their two sparklings, Galvatron and Goldbug.

The family resided in a tranquil mansion, but Indominus couldn't shake the growing unrest in his spark. Despite years of hiding, guilt gnawed at him. He feared his past transgressions would endanger his beloved family.

After much deliberation, Indominus resolved to surrender himself. He confided in Zora, whose worry mirrored his own. "Darling, are you sure?" she pleaded, but Indominus was resolute. "For our children, for us, hiding only prolongs the inevitable."

Reluctantly, Zora agreed, and together they faced the daunting task of revealing the truth to their sparklings. Indominus approached their door, steeling himself for their reaction.

Inside, the sparklings' laughter softened as their sire's knock echoed through the room. Goldbug rushed to the door, his smile infectious. "Daddy!" he exclaimed, embracing Indominus tightly.

Galvatron's demeanor was more reserved, a trait inherited from his father. "Galvatron," Indominus called, embracing him too, despite the stiffness in the eldest's frame. "I need to leave for a while. Take care of your mother and brother."

Galvatron's confusion melted into understanding as Indominus explained his decision. With a heavy heart, Indominus bid his family farewell, leaving them in Galvatron's capable hands.

As he emerged from hiding, Indominus was met with the stern gaze of Ultra Magnus, Sentinel Prime's lieutenant. The tension hung thick between them until Magnus finally spoke, acknowledging Indominus's surrender and outlining his punishment: work as a miner to atone for past crimes.

Relief flooded Indominus as he accepted his fate, grateful that his decision had spared his family from harm. With a heavy burden lifted, he looked toward a future where peace might truly reign for his loved ones.

This Chapter (Characters Age):

Indominus- 34
Zora- 32
Galvatron- 6
Goldbug- 3
Ultra Magnus- 20
Sentinel Prime- 23

I just wanna inform something. Ultra Magnus is a New Lieutenant unchanged in this time line(Only in this chapter, Tho he already has knowledge about Deathbringer)

Okay This is just the Start, I'll do Slow updates on this since I'm recalling some of it and I have Classes that I can't get a free time with.

Free to point out if there's some mistakes. My keyboard keep messing up things.

See you next time in the Chapter ^^

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