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Nethra confessed to Surya?

Let's see what happens further in this beautiful journey of Nethra..


She opened the last page of her diary and made a sketch of Surya's face. That was so sharp, detailed and perfect drawing that anyone can recognize the person in the portrait. She discovered her hidden talent in the art and started sketching more objects, nature and also 3D drawing. One fine day, she tried to articulate her inner thoughts which portray her feelings towards Surya. 

That art was of a morning sunshine, a teen girl extending her arms towards the sun. Her eyes widened in happiness on realizing that her life is no longer gloomy and instead was filled with the positive aura of the sun (Surya). She thought of confessing to Surya through this drawing. So, she drew a symbol of eye and sun on the right corner of the sheet which symbolize Nethra and Surya. It was so obvious for her but no other one can figure out the artist's point of view as everyone would focus at the drawing rather than breaking the details behind. This was an encrypted confession that no one except her could understand.

Next day, when everyone left, she ambled towards the art board which was situated near the basketball ground. She was so nervous that she could clearly hear her heart beating so fast and her fingers were quivering a lot. She looked everywhere around silently, closed her eyes and took a deep breath to muster up some courage and pasted the art on the board. She turned around rapidly and sighed in a relief. She observed many students surrounding the notice board and chit chatting with each other looking at her drawing "What an art!". "How skillful the artist is!". "The eye is so realistic!". Many of them were captivated and were discussing as to "Why didn't the person mention his/her name?".

"If they have mentioned their name, surely he/she would have become a celebrity in our school." Nethra left the place silently as she didn't want any unwanted attention. Pasting the art is just for a sense of contentment for her as she confessed her inner voice to Surya. In the evening, holding the basketball, Surya was going to the ground. Looking around vaguely, his eyes fell on the newly pasted drawing.

Surya's POV:

Wow! What an art! I am not aware that there is a professional artist in our school. Who could it be?

Oh! Come on Surya! Is there any rule that you must know each and every person in the school? I looked for the name of the artist at the right corner. But "Hmm... these artists are really crazy. There may be some hidden details. How could I even understand? Eye and a sun!" he said out aloud to himself.

Ha-ha.... He laughed in disbelief.

Nethra was watching the whole scene from behind the wall.


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