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Anand's POV:

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Anand's POV:

"What about our baby, Meena? Who will take the responsibility? The poor one needs the care of both mother and father. Please think again about her future."

... "See Anand...I was fed up with your egoistic and mechanical behavior. You don't have any right to talk about caring as you never bothered with me and our baby. You are simply confined to your working space and don't have even a minute for your family. I'll take care of Nethra and you don't need to bother about it." ... "No way I'm going to send my daughter with you. She needs to be grown in a disciplined atmosphere and that is not yours which managed to break a fine relationship."

Somehow after the series of arguments and with the support of my lawyer friend, I succeeded to win Nethra over my wife, Meena, but failed to be a good family man. "Sorry nanna..." he said in a low tone and kissed Nethra's forehead. A tear drop escaped from his eye and fell on Nethra's cheek.

The next morning , Anand was sitting on his couch reading an article about mental health awareness. Nethra woke up and completed her morning routine and sat silently on the dining table to eat her breakfast. She started to nibble the food as she didn't want to go to school. Anand dropped her near the school gate and she entered the school reluctantly. After the completion of school, she headed straightly towards home. Her life became monotonous with the same daily activities. She used to express her emotions and her expressions in her diary. Anand started realizing that she is no more a naive child but about to enter her adolescence. He stopped reading her diary as he doesn't want to invade her personal space. This sequence continued in her life until she was 15. One day, Nethra saw a boy wearing a blue T-shirt, looking as if he was bathed in sweat, holding a basketball nervously, aiming at the hoop. He threw the ball at an angle by jumping strenuously. Everyone in the blue team shouted loudly "The GOAL".... "Surya... We did it" with a great enthusiasm. All the team members lifted him and she was completely immersed in the game such that she could feel the sense of relief after the goal. Her heart skipped several beats on seeing him. From the next day, she used to go to the basketball ground rather than going to her home after school. She used to watch the game and cheer the blue team as a part of audience. These teen hormones hit her hard and she started liking him and mentioned about him in her diary.

Nethra's POV:

Dear diary,

I am not able to figure out the exact emotion I feel while thinking about him. I feel as if a megawatts bright bulb is glowing in the darkest region of my heart. I can feel the sense of happiness in his winning moment. I didn't believe that there could be a feeling of thousand butterflies wandering in my stomach until I experienced it. His name is Surya and I came to know that he is 2 years ahead of me. He is also a master in basketball. He made our school achieve the trophy in inter school sports competition. God, I wish to know so much more about him like his favorite food, color, movie and so on.


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