25 - Oliver is the dad

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Third POV

Mia's mouth opens in shock again. She wants to read more of the pages but her mind is so distracted that no words make sense to her. She looks at the name on top of the paper. It's Theo Colton Smith, thirty-eight years old.

The matching DNA percentage is twenty-nine.

Some numbers have been marked with a pen in two columns. One column is Theo's DNA test results and the other is Christian's. The marked numbers are close and some of them are the same.

Theo waits for Mia to react in anyway, but she is silently going through the two pages, flipping back and forth, expecting something to be wrong or miscalculated. She reads every corner of the two pages.

"You read all of it," Theo says, but Mia doesn't respond. "Mia." He tries to take it back from her, but she pulls her hand away and again checks the numbers.

"Mia," Theo says and puts his hand on her arm. She looks up at him.

"You took a DNA test of my son without telling me?" she asks in a calm tone.

"Is that what matters now?"

"Yes!" Her voice gets louder. "Who gave you the right to do this?"

"I have a right to do so."

"No. You don't! You're not his dad!"

"Oliver is!"

Mia shudders at this blunt sentence. "No, he's not."

"Can you read, woman?"

"It's not Oliver's. I asked him."

"You asked him what?"

"I asked if we slept together. He said no."

"Don't you remember who you slept with?"

"I was drunk, but it wasn't him."

Theo unfolds the papers and points at the matching DNA results. "Did you read this?" he asks in frustration.

"I did, but Oliver wasn't the one I slept with. There must be a mistake."

"A mistake of me having matching DNA's with a total stranger? And only twenty-nine percent?"

"Maybe we're cousins."


"He can't be the dad! Christian's dad is waiting for us in France!"

"Is he? Oliver was home this morning as far as I know!" Theo says loudly and everyone stares at them. Mia feels her head spinning. Theo catches her and steadies her. "Are you okay?" he asks.

"Don't touch me!" Mia says and pulls herself out of his grip.

Theo wants to take Christian from Mia, but she doesn't let him.

"Please, let's go home. We'll talk about it there," Theo says in a calmer tone, realizing he overstepped the boundaries.

"No," Mia says.

"Come on. You can't stay here."

He waits patiently for her, and Mia follows him to the car without thinking. The car ride is completely silent. Mia keeps remembering everything Dan and she had gone through these months. Her life seemed too perfect to be true. She somehow knew things would start to get ugly.

They arrive at home and get inside.

Rosie sees Mia and gets surprised. "What happened?" she asks. "Are you okay?"

"Please take her to the guest room," Theo says, and she takes Mia's arm.

"Okay," Rosie says and helps her upstairs.

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