16- Life in France

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Third POV

It's been eight months since Mia left for France. She is now living with Ian in a small downtown loft. She does her best to be there for his brother. She is supportive of all of his choices but never leaves him alone.

Ian's mental health looks better, but no one can really understand if a person is truly fine. Mia and Ian both work so they can afford the life they have in France. Ian is working at a restaurant as a waiter, and Mia is working as a remote English teacher for children.

Ian is picking up good French while working in retail, but Mia is not that good because she spends most of her time at home.

Her phone rings as she is rocking Christian in his bed. It's Dan.

"Hey," she answers.

"Bonjour," Dan says.

"We're not doing this," Mia says.

"Oh, come on. It's been eight months."

"I have zero French and I know other ways to humiliate myself."

"Okay, fine. Are we meeting at five?"

"I'm waiting for Ian. Today is Netflix and kill day."

"I thought it's Netflix and sob day."

"No. That's Thursdays. No one wants to sob on a Monday. We already sob on Mondays."

"Okay. What are we watching?"

"You'll join us?"

"Sure. I missed you."

"Okay. We're watching the new season of You."

"Oh, Joe fucking Goldberg. You seem obsessed with him."

"I am oddly obsessed with the way his mind works."


"Yeah. He just decides to kill and goes for it. Imagine that."

"Are you okay, honey?"

"I'm fine. Why?"

"Nothing. I'll see you. Do you need anything?"

"No. Thanks."

Night comes. Mia and Ian get ready for Netflix and kill day. They sit on the floor with a big bowl of chicken wings and fries. The door rings, and Mia opens it.

"Danny!" she says with a smile as he gets inside. He pulls her close and kisses her on her lips.

Ian clears his throat, and they break the kiss. "Hey, Ian," Dan says.

"Hey, Dan," Ian says, not facing him.

Dan comes and sits with them. "On the floor?" he asks.

"You can sit on the couch if you want," Ian says.

"No, I'm fine." Dan sits next to Mia and holds her hand. Mia smiles at him as she squeezes his hand.

"I missed you," she whispers while Ian goes to the kitchen to get some drinks.

"And I missed you," Dan says.

"You smell like garlic," Mia says.

"I'm sorry," Dan says. "I can take a quick shower." He tries to pull back, but Mia holds his hand tighter and pulls him closer.

"No. I love it," she says and sniffs his hand while she holds it.

"What?" Dan says, chuckling.

"I love the smell of food on you." Mia sniffs again. "I love the smell of garlic."

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