15- Jess's impossible mission

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Third POV

Oliver looks at her without saying a word.

"Mr. Smith?" the woman says, urging him to go through the gate.

Oliver shakes his head and takes a step toward Mia. "What?!"

"Did we sleep together?" Mia repeats herself.

He doesn't say anything and only looks at her.

"Did we, or did we not sleep together at my promotion party?" Mia says again.

He opens his mouth a few times to say something, but he can't.

"Oliver!" Mia says.

"Mr. Smith," the woman says again.

"No," Oliver blurts out and takes a step backward. "No, Mia. I'm late."

He turns around and goes through the gate to leave. Mia stands there and wonders why she asked him that.

Oliver sits in his seat at the airplane and suddenly realizes he is squeezing something in his fist. It's Christian's sock. He looks at it and something aches inside him. How could he lie this easily? He closes his eyes, and his head falls back on the seat.

The silence in the car is deafening as Mia rides back home. She keeps repeating the conversation she had with Oliver, and it eats her brains out.

She feels devastated and disappointed for no reason at all. Why did she expect him to be the father?


The day has come for Mia to do what Jess asked her. Mia asks Ian to take care of Christian while she gets ready to leave the house. She feels much more stressed than she thought she would be. Ian and Christian's existence makes her more vulnerable than ever. She must be there for them.

She enters the building with a group of people, taking a tour of the company, just as Jess instructed her to. The tour guide keeps explaining everything to the team and they keep writing notes. Mia doesn't even understand what the company's job is. She just nods her head like she understands everything the guide says.

Jess already showed Mia the map of the building and told her about every room and every corner.

"That's the HR department," Jess says, and Mia hears him on her buds. He's talking about the room in front of her.

"What about the one next to it?" Mia whispers. "There's no sign on it."

"It says Janitor room on the map. Stop obsessing over rooms like that. The room you're looking for is on the third floor. Just as we planned it."

"I know. I'm supposed to go to the fourth floor and excuse myself to the restroom."

"Yes. And then you will get back down to the third floor and find the room we want."


Mia follows the guide as he takes them to the third floor. She tries to look as normal as possible while looking for said room.

"I think I found it," Mia whispers.

"Okay. Good," Jess says. "Now follow the guide."


Mia follows the guide to the fourth floor and after a few minutes, asks to leave for the restroom. Instead, she sneaks onto the third floor and approaches the big room that Jess told her about. She uses the guide's card, which she snuck up a few minutes ago, and enters the room. It's very noisy. There are a lot of servers working at the same time. She looks around to see what she should do.

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