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Now, you should know that all the 'cool' kids, or at least the popular ones; Dream, Sapnap, George, also known as the Dream Team, and whoever those three feel nice enough to adopt into their friend group, most often to ridicule. A grade seven named Quackity walked up to them like it was nothing and established a handshake, then headed off to hang out with Tommy, Eryn and Lani.

For some reason, Jared had been trying to talk to Tommy, but got rejected. Then went and spoke to Technoblade instead.

Not much else happened, but on Wednesday, it was clear that the Dream Team had picked up an interest in somebody. More so chosen their newest victim like the vultures of teenage boys they are. Quackity.

Fundy started a little something that he called the Socialising Club. Himself, Purpled, Callahan and Tubbo attended it peacefully.

Apparently the intention of this new club was to help Callahan make friends, since he's mute. It was clear from this, that Fundy felt close with the deer hybrid. Ranboo attended the Socialising Club at some point, but only for some sort of an interview for some 'News Letter', he told them.

Grade eight;  Ranboo, and grade ten;  Foolish are both working together to write the News Letter and compile any school dramas in there.  They're a good duo, because Foolish is far more social than Ranboo, so now Ranboo can stick to their introverted ways and have a big, strong extrovert who plays for the school's  sports team to take over on any face-to-face work for this.

Overall, this week was quite chill after the first two days of settling in.  Yet, there still hadn't been a day where all students had come to school.  Foolish says; that the 'missing kid' is someone named 'Corpse' who often does online schooling, as far as he knew.

This 'Corpse' is rumoured to come once a week, so I hope to be able to see him one of these days.

The drama club started on Thursday, Karl Jacobs, Sally and Ranboo were quick to join.  As well as Wilbur, then Jared who joined after Will for some reason.

From what I can tell, everyone is happy this week.

Though, this grade nine girl got detention for starting a fight over Tommy.  Not even in a romantic way, it was more of a chosen siblings thing.  Her name's Minx, and she seems to be a family friend of Tommy's family, therefore she has become protective over him.  And, there's a certain Dreamon of a grade seven, who loves to mock and harass Tom.

Realistically, Drista deserves to be told of to the full extent Minx did, and be sentenced to detention, but since Ms.  Puffy, the principal, is her mother...  She can get away with anything!  Along with Dream.  Mister Dream 'was-taken' Clayton, famously known for causing trouble.  This guy out of his friend group has been visiting the drama club and asking Karl to talk in private, for whatever reason.  This happens a lot.

I personally can't bring up anything dramatic about a list of people who go here, since 'drama' is just what they lack and/or avoid in the school lifestyle.  Good for them, honestly.

Or, perhaps they're planning their great entrance as bigger, badder bullies and will come together to bring down Dream's reign of terror over the school!  Foolish wrote that.

Friday was full of announcements about uniform;  'if you're not wearing full uniform by next week, blah blah blah,' kind of crap.  Mostly boring stuff, and classes are starting to set students up with actual work instead of allowing them to play games for social purposes.  This has made it much easier for me, since having to be in a circle with sweaty, loud, hormonal kids was getting old.

With that, the week was over.  I hear lots of crush talk as I exit the school's premises.  A lot of guys were mentioning a female teacher, while only few were talking about having a crush on a student.

From what I overheard, Jared is into Wilbur.  He's been trying to reach out to every Wilbur knows and learn every detail about the guy!  Which, looking back, makes a lot of sense.  And there's Minx, who 'just likes the look of' George.

We'll see if there's any updates to that!  Tune in next week...  Signing off, Ranboo.

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FROM; The News Letter.

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