thank you.

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hello everyone. Thank you so much for being here along with my journey on all of my (discontinued) books, and thank you so much for 572 reads and holy shit, 53 followers. I never thought I'd be where I am today. Maybe I'll do a reveal of some sort (eye or hand). I'm so sorry for letting all of you down by not continuing this. Who knows — maybe one day I'll randomly appear to put severely old quotes in but with peoples real names because I'm tired of trying to remember them (CookieWookie37 will still be Coco or Cookie for their privacy). My health hasn't been good at all. I started having dysmorphia and now am going to be online school because school has been terrible for my health. I will still post, comment, be active in general and read books of yours and others, but for now I will have this as finished. 

This isn't goodbye, this is see you later.


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