Chapter 2: The Need for Speed

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3rd Person POV

"Any chance of getting this thing running again?" Sara asks as her, Ava, Behrad, and Brooklyn look under the hood of the broken car

"The simplicity of the thermosiphon cooling is sheer elegance." Behrad says. "The capitalist dictate of constant improvement often pushes us past the pinnacle of achievement into inferior products."

"And this is your brain off of drugs?" Sara asks

"Hey, don't weed-shame me. I know stuff." Behrad says

"Okay, so is that a yes?" Ava asks. "Because soon enough, someone's gonna see that J. Edgar Hoover's missing and the timeline's gonna start changing."

"If I can find some water, yes." Behrad says

"Oh! Uh, Gary, can you check the back seat for some water please?" Ava asks. "I think I saw something under Hoover's coat."

Gary gags. "Please don't mention his name." He groans. "This guy's giving me terrible indigestion."

"That's probably all the cigars." Ava says, opening the door of the car

"Or all the bigotry." Sara suggests as she looks at Brooklyn. "Maybe you can help with this?"

"Jax was the mechanic, not me." Brooklyn reminds Sara

"I know but you're super smart." Sara says. ""And you've got a good memory. You don't remember anything from watching him work?"

"Not really." Brooklyn says with a shrug, picking her daughter off the ground before she could get closer to the car where it was smoking. "Whenever I was with Jax...I don't know, I was able to let my brain relax. I wasn't focused on what he was doing I was just focused on...on him."

"Uh, we've got some soda. Does that work?" Ava asks, grabbing a soda from the backseat

"We'll find out." Behrad says

"Oh, look babe, a radio." Ava calls to Sara from the backseat. "We can pick up some newscasts."

Ava, Sara, and Brooklyn with Maddie make their way over to where Nate is sitting. Ava places the radio down and turns up the volume. "The lovely and lethal Bullet Blondes remain at large, last seen driving east on the Bankhead Highway. Caution advised. They are considered armed and dangerous." The newsreporter says

"Huh, I can't believe the name stuck." Ava says

"Yeah, and they didn't mention Hoover, which means they think he's still alive." Sara says

"Well, he's not." Nate says before getting up and walking away

Sara and Brooklyn share a look before Sara goes to check on him. "Hey. What's up?" She asks Nate. "We've gotten out of tighter spots than this."

"Have we?" Nate asks. "Mick's gone. Astra's down for the count. Zari is nursing a broken heart in a pocket dimension, and I killed J. Edgar Hoover."

"And it was an accident." Sara tells him. "And it could have happened to any man of steel."

"That's not funny." Nate tells her. "I spent my whole life studying history and making sure it's preserved and passed on. By killing Hoover, I personally messed up the entire 20th century."

"Look, we're gonna fix it, okay?" Sara promises

"Are we?" Nate questions. "Because without Gideon or the ship, there's no way you can guarantee that."

"Nate, you are spinning." Sara tells him

"I murdered a man, Sara!" Nate exclaims. "And for the first time in our lives, we have to accept that that could be permanent."

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