I- Dinner And Moving Out

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March 27, 2016

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March 27, 2016

Celestia sighed, standing in front of her green couch, one hand on her hip, the other in her recently bleached hair.

A knock on her front door interrupted her thoughts. She looked over to the door, jogging over, opening it.

A redhead stood there, holding up a bag of food from the Chinese place a couple blocks away. "Food delivery." She grinned, walking into the apartment. "How's moving go-" Natasha cut herself off seeing the hallway and large living room that looked like a bomb crashed into it. She turned around, giving Celestia a 'what the hell?' Look. The blonde shrugged, groaning. Instead of replying, she walked past the redhead, to the kitchen where instead of a dining table, there were just armchairs next to an island.

"We're sitting on armchairs... at a kitchen island... to eat?" Nat asked, slowly as she pushed open the doors.

"I guess so." Celestia cleared her throat, taking the bag from Natasha, setting on the marble counter top. She hesitantly took a seat, sitting up on her knees so she could reach the island properly. After a few seconds Natasha joined her, sitting next to her in the other armchair.

"Why haven't you asked me, or Steve for help?" Nat asked as Celestia took the food out of the bag. She paused putting the box down, and looked to Nat. Swallowing, she answered after a couple seconds.

"I just... I've had someone to live with, for the longest time. I've always had Adi, and I'm definitely not saying I'm not happy about her moving in with Rory, but I just miss her, I guess." Nat opened her mouth to speak but Celestia beat her to it. "And I know it's stupid, it's not like she lives in a different country or continent, I've just always had her there. I'm alone now." She looked down at the box of food, one hand picking at the metal handle, the other had her face resting against it.

Nat reached over, putting a hand on hers. "You will never be alone. You'll always have me, Steve, and Wanda, and that's just a few people. And you and I know Adi would come at the drop of a hat. She loves you and she probably misses you just as much- if not more than you miss her. You're all she's had for 12 years, there's no way she isn't debating with herself on whether she should come over right now."

Celestia looked up into Natasha's eyes. "How do you always know what to say? It's annoying." She mumbled, not meaning her words. Nat's laugh rang out as she pulled her hand away from her friend's, grabbing her box of food.

About an hour later, Nat and Celestia were on the green couch, laughing at something Sam had said on their last mission.

Nat sighed and looked around. "Why are you having such trouble packing everything up, anyway." She crawled off the couch, over to a box and looked through it. Celestia leaned on the armrest, resting her head in her hand again.

"I dunno, I guess it was the first proper place I ever lived in after my parents died. Fury gave this to us when he found out about my powers, he made me have a few tests done, had no idea what caused them, then tried to get me to become an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D, but I denied. He, surprisingly, was fine with it and gifted us this place so I could 'give Adi the life she deserves'." Celestia shrugged before explaining.

Nat raised her brows, still rifling through the box. "Doesn't sound like him."

"Hmm, I know." Celestia agreed before resting her head on her on the armrest. She closed her eyes, relaxing, until she heard Nat gasp. Her eyes snapped open. "What?" She asked when she saw the redhead was fine. She smiled, and turned around a book, revealing a picture of Celestia when she was a kid.

Celestia opened her mouth in shock, crawling next to Nat, taking the book from her. "Oh my goodness, I was adorable." She stared at the picture of herself when she was about 4 or 5, with two big bows in her hair. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Natasha look to the wall next to her.

"Shit, it's late. I probably have to head back now." Celestia glanced at the clock that read 1:24.

"Oh, yeah, okay... unless you wanna stay? I have a couple spare bedrooms? If you want.." She rushed out. Nat looked to her, smiling.

"Of course I want. Tomorrow morning I'll help you with moving your stuff." Celestia exhaled, a large smile on her face. She collapsed back onto the rug she had on the hardwood floors.

"I'm definitely keeping this, oh my God." She basically moaned out, rolling onto her stomach. Nat laughed, collapsing next to her friend.

Pretty short filler chapter, but I thought it was cute how in Necromancy (the first chapter) Celestia didn't even want to join the Avengers because of Nat, but now they're best friends
Anyway, next chapter will be the first actual chapter of Civil War
I love you and have an amazing day/night ♥️

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