chapter 31: chain reaction

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Y/N was the first to speak up to avert any suspicion from her in case she was too quiet tonight. They were so close to their master scheme.

"I heard some weird noises outside my window last night, but I didn't see anything when I looked." A simple lie.

She clung on to Amber's bicep, pressing her front to Amber's side. She nodded in agreement, catching on to another one of Y/N's pseudo-sympathy acts.

"Yeah, I thought I heard something too, but it was probably just an animal." Amber shrugged.

The rest of the girls followed in Y/N's facade, glancing at each other first before Liv spoke up.

"What have the police been doing about this shit? It's been months. They're the one's that are supposed to be solving this. Not us."

Anika nodded, trying convince the room.

"I'm with Liv. Let's not get ourselves involved."

She knew that Mindy's decision would sway, even if it was just by a tiny bit. Anika had way more power over Mindy than she thought.

Mindy sighed in frustration but was interrupted by Sam, who had been quiet until now.

"This man–this person, is plotting their single move every single second we're not taking action. We're just sitting ducks."

Some people were on Sam's side this time. She seemed to really want to get rid of these people, and they were on the same side.

Tara gave her sister a look, one of concern but also slight doubt. As much as she wanted to believe her sister was in no way involved in this, there was still a small voice in her head saying that Sam was suspicious.

Chad finally spoke up, his fingers stuck against each other.

"I think we should be careful, but if we can help, we should. It's better than doing nothing."

Mindy was glad to hear her brother have her back in this. Now she needed to hear the rest of the group.

As the group began to share their thoughts and experiences, it became clear that they were all on edge.

The Ghostface murders were affecting them more than they wanted to admit. Even with all of them there agreeing to get together to catch Ghostface once again, the meeting did not feel like a turning point, at least to the main four.

Y/N leaned back into Amber, watching the others discuss their thoughts out loud. Liv and Anika were unsure of how to feel about being there. Their reactions solely revolved on Y/N's actions, and she wasn't giving away much. Even they were convinced she was so into this.

Mindy watched as the group continued to discuss the recent Ghostface murders. Despite the tension that lingered in the air, she knew they had to address the elephant in the room.

Xavier's murder was a rather random one but it did have some significance. Mindy had a thought on the connection to Ghostface for awhile now and since she had everyone in the room, she decided it was time to confront Sam about her connection to Xavier.

Clearing her throat, Mindy turned to Sam, who was seated across the room. Richie was next to her, twiddling with his thumbs like an imbecilic child.

"Sam," she began cautiously, "I heard you used to hang out with Xavier and his older brother. Is that true?"

Sam shifted uncomfortably in her seat and nodded reluctantly. She was beginning to think that Mindy was trying to connect it back to her. All she wanted to do was protect her sister and yet she was being pointed fingers at. The thought annoyed her beyond compare.

Backstabbed (Amber Freeman x Fem Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang