"Welcome," Charlotte got up when she saw them and went to Frida's side, opening her arms for a hug, Frida also squeezing her tight while Egon and Benny shared a handshake.

"We apologize for the delay," Frida said taking a seat and looking at Benny, more accusing him because it was his fault.

"Never mind, we don't have that much here," Charlotte replied. "We are taking wine as a digestif," she added.

"It never fails," Frida smiled. "Should we order?" she suggested.

"Hungry?" Benny looked at her.

"Yup," she nodded.

The waitress came over and put the menus on the table. "I'll be on the lookout for when you want to order," she offered.

Frida began to look the menu, while Benny ordered wine.

While they waited for the food, they were immersed in conversations, especially Benny was quite talkative. Frida would look at him from time to time, he was so sociable and even when he came home tired and didn't feel like going out, he would suddenly forget everything and let himself be carried away by the situation; Contrary to her, she was excited to get out but her spirits were almost exhausted.

She began to caress his hand, feeling that it was the most pleasant thing, she liked to feel his contact, his skin, even when they were not at home. Benny was still focused on the conversation, she, on the contrary, was gone from the place, she heard the conversations but didn't pay attention.

"Frida?" Charlotte called her noticing that she was absent.

Frida looked away and fixed it on her friend. "What's happening?"

"You are absent," she giggled. "Is everything fine?"

"Oh, yes..." She settled back in the chair and cleared her throat. "I was thinking about a few things," with that said, her eyes moved to the waiter who arrived with the food. Frida ordered confit duck with zucchini and asparagus in truffle sauce. "Thank you," she told her.

"Do you want some more wine?" She nodded, the waiter pouring more into her glass.

Benny, for his part, ordered a plat de côtes steak marinated with cilantro and baked potatoes, he was also served more red wine. "So, will you come back to sing?" Charlotte asked Frida.

"Me?" She raised an eyebrow and took a bite of the meat from her to mouth. "No, I doubt it, I did everything I had to," she shook her head.

"Not true, it's just that she's not at her most artistic or inspiring moment," Benny chimed in looking at her. He had some sauce on his beard, so as soon as she noticed it, Frida reached out with her thumb and wiped it off.

"You know I already want to do quieter things, I'm not in a position to promote new material," she rebutted.

"But your solo albums have been excellent," Charlotte said.

"Shine is good but it didn't have the expected reception," Frida looked down at her plate and continued eating.

"If you lack inspiration, we invite you to ski with us in Austria, we haven't skied together for a long time by now," Egon suggested.

"That would be nice," Benny agreed immediately.

"We just got back from vacation," Frida replied looking at Benny.

"Holidays of the holidays. We need that," he shrugged.

"Well..." Frida pursed her lips. "We can plan something," she relented.

"Hallelujah!" Charlotte clapped happily. "Honey, are you alright?" She asked directly, noticing that Frida's mood for some reason was down.

"Us?" Frida asked confused. "Of course," she nodded. "Why the question?"

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